Monday, November 26, 2007

Whatever Happened to Customer Service?

I rarely order drinks in restaurants for two reasons.

#1 It is ridiculous to pay 2 bucks for a soda and I'm cheap.

#2 I'm trying to avoid the extra calories.

So I almost always order water. With a lemon. I find it gives the water a little something extra.
I am always very clear about this. Can I have water with a lemon?

And nine times out of ten they bring it without a lemon. Why is this? It's very annoying.

Am I just being a bee-atch or does anyone else experience this?


Miralee said...

No...I am right there with you. I always ask for Lemon too and usually they forget it. I am always very quick to ask for it again. It drives me crazy!

The Nut House... said...

Forget the lemon... half the time they forget to bring the damn water!

The Tip O' Meter is plummeting...