Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Inconsistent Blogger

Damn! I was doing so well last week getting something up about every other day. But I took off Thursday afternoon last week and headed for a girls weekend with a couple college buddies. NO Internet access. We went to Starbucks. They had no WIFI. But they were kind enough to direct us to the Taco Bell across the street who did have WIFI. We sat in the parking lot to check our e-mails but there was no blogging going on.

I am taking the day off tomorrow. I will get some good stuff up.



Miralee said...

Ok is that comment for real??? Anyway, I was starting to wonder if you were still alive.

Did you get my b-day voicemail???

Melanie said...

Oh Good Lord! I am going to have to do some blog clean up. I got spammed!

Yes - I got your card and message. Thank you so much. I am so glad that we have remained friends for all these years (18 to be exact. Can you believe that!?)

Joyous JRo said...

Bad Starbucks, no wi-fi?

What up with that???

Have a beautiful holiday!

Melanie said...

No kidding. I was shocked at the lack of wi-fi. All of the fast foods and Big Boy had it, but I guess the Starbucks was new and it the wi-fi just hadn't been installed yet.

I just couldn't bring myself to go inside of taco bell to blog - that is why we sat in the parking lot.

Happy Turkey Day!!