Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Conversations with Children

First of all, Becca came home with a new book from school today. Amelia Bedelia. I used to read that when I was little! Does anyone else remember those books?

A conversation between me and Bec today when I got home and she was doing her math homework.

Becca, "Sometimes I have to count on my fingers"

Me, "That's okay, I still do that sometimes. But you'll grow out of it, you're smarter than me."

Becca, "I know."


The Nut House... said...

Yes, and that's when you get that tight lipped look and you shake your head up and down, thinking...

That's nice.

I HATE it when my kids make me look dumb. lol

Miralee said...

Don't you hate it when kids can so easily point things out to you! My newphews do it all the time!! When I was pregnant Brady, the 5 year old asked why I was getting fat....he didn't really get the concept of it being a baby. He just thought I was eating alot.