Monday, April 28, 2008


First order of business: Val, we just watched Dirty Jobs and Mike had to deliver a calf. It was disgusting!

Second order of business: I got a complaint that my blog doesn't have enough pictures on it, or enough posts in general. So I went for a girls weekend this weekend (details to follow) and not a camera was seen the entire time. And to make matters even worse, I was with my photographer friend. We were all too preoccupied with our own respective issues which as soon as I get permission, I will post all kinds of crazy details about.

Third order of business: I need a long weekend with my husband and we're taking one. Thank God the weekend of Mothers Day. A glorious four days at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island (just pray it doesn't snow on us!) with nothing to do but be married to each other and ride our bikes and eat and drink.

The fourth order of business is for me to go to bed since I have already ingested the little blue pill that makes me sleep like a baby for the first time since I was a baby. And it is starting to kick in. I'll spell check this tomorrow.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Does anyone else hate washing their jeans? For me, it goes like this. I buy the jeans and they are little snug, but after I wear them a couple times they form to my body and fit so well. But then after I wear them 8 or 10 times, I start feeling like it is gross not to wash them. But if I wash them they go back to being snug again and I have to start the process all over again. They also fade a little more with each washing and the more faded they get, the more casual they look and the less like I feel that I can get away with wearing them on casual Fridays.

Oh the plight of being a woman.

PS I don't really wait 10 wearings to wash them. Usually ;)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Did anyone else read Pioneer Woman's post about her obsession with collecting dishes?

I found that post so interesting because I myself have an obsession with all things dishes. But up until I read her post and the subsequent reader comments, I just thought I had an abnormal shopping addiction. (Okay so I probably do have a shopping addiction - but this is something entirely different) I really need to spend more time with girls so that I know these things are NOT abnormal.

Since I moved into my first place, I have been near obsessed with dishes. Particularily stoneware like Fiesta Dinnerware by Homer Laughlin. In fact, I obtained an entire set of Fiesta dishes when I moved into my condo and then registered for a new set when I got married a couple years later. Everytime I go into a store that sells it, I find myself standing there drooling over all the things I don't have, and there are a lot of things I don't have. Yet.

I also buy bowls, all different kinds of bowls. I love looking at them in stores like Marshall's and TJ Maxx because they have all sorts of different styles to choose from.

Alas, I haven't been buying much lately because I am just out of room in my kitchen. So much so that the gorgeous red nesting bowls I bought some time ago are just sitting on my counter because I don't know where to put them.

I didn't really know much about the jadite that PW blogged about, but it appears that this is a very pricey item to collect so I'm not even going to look into it. However, I did Google "vintage dishes" and found that there is a whole online world of dish collectors. And I'm pretty sure some of that vintage Pyrex I saw can be found in my mom's kitchen. I hope she still has it; I never even thought to tell her not to throw it away.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Brain Reset

How can a woman tell if her rage is induced by PMS or by her annoying corporate counterparts who insist on implementing Dilbert-like policies at least 6 times a month?

Friday, April 4, 2008

Guess Who's Doing a Reunion Tour!!!

We'll talk more about this later.....

It Finally Happened to Me

I never thought it would, but it did.

I wore two different shoes to work today.

The worst part is that one heel is higher than the other. I'm all discombobulated.