Monday, November 26, 2007

Whatever Happened to Customer Service?

I rarely order drinks in restaurants for two reasons.

#1 It is ridiculous to pay 2 bucks for a soda and I'm cheap.

#2 I'm trying to avoid the extra calories.

So I almost always order water. With a lemon. I find it gives the water a little something extra.
I am always very clear about this. Can I have water with a lemon?

And nine times out of ten they bring it without a lemon. Why is this? It's very annoying.

Am I just being a bee-atch or does anyone else experience this?

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Taking Time to Give Thanks

September 11, 2001, I was in Indianapolis on my little sabbatical. All of my family was in Michigan. So that year as I sat at the Thanksgiving table, I looked around the table at my family and thought of all the families who would have an empty place at their Thanksgiving table that year. It broke my heart all over again and at the same time I felt enormous gratitude to be sitting there with my mom and my dad and all my siblings. I then proceeded to blub like a baby and tell them how grateful I was to be sitting there with them. And thus was born a tradition of sharing something we are most grateful for at the Thanksgiving dinner table.

Now let's be honest, I am not exactly the Cinderella type with birds chirping around my head. I have a tendency to be a bit of a pessimist. (I'm just keepin' it real) I don't know if it is nature or nurture, but I am obsessed with becoming more optimistic. Have you ever read, Learned Optimism? I have. So at this time of year, I really try to stop and give thanks for all that my spoiled ass has.

#1) My family. Supporting, loving, accepting, and unfailing. I never have to spend a holiday or a birthday alone. And I have always felt loved.

#2) My husband who is my best friend, my one true love. He challenges me every day. But he also tells me I'm beautiful every day. I know it sounds cheesy, but he completes me.

#3) My home. It isn't as big or as secluded as I'd like, but it's enough for us. It's warm in the winter and cool in the summer. And it's close to #1.

#4) My job. I know, I know. All I do is complain about it. But in this crappy Michigan economy, I'm very thankful to have a job that pays well and has enabled #2 to go after his dreams.

#5) My friends. Jen, Alison, Donna, Mandy (you have to call her Miranda), Val, Katie. You've all been in my life for years and years and it is so amazing to still have you in my life. You can't put a price on good friends and I would not be where I am without your love and support.

#6) My trials and tribulations. One of my favorite movie scenes is in The Lion King. (I'm a Disney groupie, what can I say?) Rafiki and Simba are talking about Mufasa's death and Simba is whining about how he can never get over it being his fault and Rafiki smacks Simba in the head with his staff. Simba says, "Oww! What was that for?" and Rafiki says, "Doesn't matter it's in the past." and then attempts to smack him again but this time Simba ducks and Rafiki says, "But you can learn from it." I've made mistakes in my life, but I never regret them. I can't change them and regret is a waste of energy. But I learned from them and became a better person and I'm proud of where I am right now.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Enjoy your holiday!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Inconsistent Blogger

Damn! I was doing so well last week getting something up about every other day. But I took off Thursday afternoon last week and headed for a girls weekend with a couple college buddies. NO Internet access. We went to Starbucks. They had no WIFI. But they were kind enough to direct us to the Taco Bell across the street who did have WIFI. We sat in the parking lot to check our e-mails but there was no blogging going on.

I am taking the day off tomorrow. I will get some good stuff up.


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Men are from Mars

I came home from yoga last night and Dave was watching "Enterprise." Remember, that was the one Star Trek show I said I can't get on board with. Well he watches it every Monday - they show like 4 episodes on the Sci Fi Channel. So I am vaguely aware of the characters since I sometime relent and sit there with him.

So here is the conversation that went on between us last night - as I came in and noticed that the Vulcan, Tepal, was having a conversation with future self about the fact that she ends up marrying Tripp.

Me: "Which one is Tripp? The blonde guy?"

Him: "No! Tripp - he's the engineer." He may as well have said DUH!

Okay. I have no flipping idea who the engineer is. I know the Vulcan chick, the black guy, the blond haired guy, the Asian chick, the guy with the British accent etc.... The only one who's occupation on the ship I know is the Captain. It's easy to identify the Captain. Other than that I'm lost. It's like telling me to go 5.2 miles on blah blah blah road and then go east on blah blah blah road. Just tell me to go right at the Arby's and if I pass Wendy's I went too far.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Insert Rocky Theme Song Here

I went jogging today.

It's true. The thing I have been avoiding my entire life, I did voluntarily today.

Perhaps I should explain. Something else I have been avoiding my entire life is stepping on the scale. I am the woman who stands on the scale backwards at the doctor or closes my eyes so that I can avoid knowing exactly what I weigh. I have been vaguely aware of my weight over the years so when I got a wild hair up my ass and stepped on the scale today, it told me that I have gained somewhere in the vicinity of 20-25 lbs in the last 5 1/2 years.

I find this totally unacceptable. And if I keep it up, I'm going to have to buy an entirely new wardrobe for work and frankly, I'm sick of buying career clothes. I learned sometime ago that if you go to J Crew or Banana Republic, or The Limited and buy some expensive but classic pieces (ie black slacks and blazer, gray slacks and blazer, brown slacks and blazer, and three skirts) you are set because they last forever and you can then buy blouses and sweaters as needed.

Also, about 6 1/2 years ago I went through some terrible times and lost a ton of weight (not on purpose) and had to buy a new wardrobe. Those clothes wouldn't even fit my left leg now and when I got back to my "normal" weight, I had to go buy a bunch more clothes. I'm sick of buying new wardrobes. I don't want to be like Luther Vandross.

The problem is that my shirts are getting tight. I pulled a couple of sweaters out of the under the bed sweater box and there is no way I can get away with wearing them. My boobs are getting way bigger than they should be and lets face it - a tight sweater on a fat chick isn't sexy. It's gross.

My husband has been on a beer binge for the last year and his waistline has also been expanding. He likes to run, the freak. And he took me out today and bought me some very nice running attire which cost an arm and a leg but keeps the wind and cold away, so how could I deny him.

I went 1 1/2 miles. It was hell. But I'm going to try and keep to it. That's why I'm putting this out for everyone to see. So then in two weeks when I haven't done it since this post and someone asks me how the running is going. I can first feel like a lazy loser and then I can lie and say it's going splendidly.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

I Miss My Hubby

But I'm watching Serendipity right now!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Conversations with Children

First of all, Becca came home with a new book from school today. Amelia Bedelia. I used to read that when I was little! Does anyone else remember those books?

A conversation between me and Bec today when I got home and she was doing her math homework.

Becca, "Sometimes I have to count on my fingers"

Me, "That's okay, I still do that sometimes. But you'll grow out of it, you're smarter than me."

Becca, "I know."

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

My New Favorite Product

Don't freak out that I'm blogging two days in a row. My husband and children were awesome today and helped me out with dinner so I actually have a few minutes to sit. I even got a load of laundry in. It's a very exciting day. (and now that I am going back over this and reading this, maybe kind of pathetic)

But that isn't why I'm blogging. I'm blogging to tell you about my new favorite product. The Ziploc Zip 'n Steam bags. I saw them on TV the other day and happened to see them on the shelf while grocery shopping on Sunday. So I thought I would try them. I was inspired by the mixed vegetable medley at Outback Steakhouse and the fact that Dave and I have been saying we need to eat more veggies in this house.

So for dinner tonight I sliced up 1 giant carrot, 1 summer squash, 1 large broccoli stalk, and a handful of pea pods. All beautiful fresh veggies. I threw them in the zip 'n steam bag, salted them a little and popped the bag in the microwave for 3 minutes. It was perfect. The veggies were cooked but still crispy - just as good (if not better) than Outback. It also put canned veggies to shame. And, my kids ate it without much complaint. I did get a little groan over the summer squash, but the carrots were a huge hit.

I am all about anything that makes my life easier and healthier at the same time. So I am electing the Ziploc Zip 'n Steam bags my new favorite product!!

Monday, November 5, 2007


Lest you think I am a brainless, frivolous piece of fluff without dimension, I feel the need to make some clarifications after that last post. I LOVE MOVIES and have been known to watch anything from Dogma to Tommy Boy to The Constant Gardener to Godsford Park. Also in our collection: The Last of the Mohicans, Hoffa, Good Fellas, The Count of Monte Cristo, Once Upon a Time in America, The Lord of the Rings (all three of them) The Truman Show, and Bandits.

And not in our collection, but previously enjoyed by me: The Apostle, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, The Highlander (okay not exactly brain food), Memento, The English Patient (why don't I own that), Shaun of the Dead, Wide Sargasso Sea, and I could go on for two hours.

Oh, but I forgot about the 17 seasons of Charmed that I have tucked away collecting dust. And have you ever seen Shining Through? That is a World War II love story starring Melanie Griffith and Michael Douglas. She's half Jewish and he's a spy. She finds out he's a spy and makes him let her go into Germany as a spy too. Even Dave liked that one. It has something for everyone.

Did I mention that we just got done watching all 476 hours of the Ken Burns documentary, The Civil War?

Girl Time

My husband is going out of town this week for business.

Can anyone say CHICK FLICKS!!!?? Sole control of the remote control!!

I hate sleeping without him, but Guinness loves it because he gets Dave's half of the bed all to himself.

I'll miss you honey. And I love you.

But it has been too long since I watched Serendipity, Pretty Woman, North and South, Anne of Green Gables and Where the Heart is (yes that is the movie where Natalie Portman gives birth to a baby in the Wal-Mart she has been living in since her white trash boyfriend ditches here there - a cheesy but wonderful chick flick. If you haven't seen it - I highly recommend it. Just don't watch it with a boy).

If I have time, I also plan on watching Sweet Home Alabama, How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days, Legally Blonde and as many Sex and the City re-runs as I can cram in. I might have to take a sick day.

He's in there right now watching "Enterprise." It's the one Star Trek series I just can't get on board with. He's flipping between that and politcal news.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

I need to practice what I preach

I can't believe it has been almost a week since I posted. How did this happen? Where did the week go? As usual it was a busy one. Especially with Halloween.

So I've been all over Mandy(you have to call her Miranda) to relax and take it easy. Nap when Max naps. Who cares if the dishes are piled up in the sink? Dog hair on the floor? Big deal. It's really easy to tell someone else that, but I must confess, I don't always practice what I preach.

My weekends have become filled with laundry and deep cleaning. Yet my house never seems clean enough to me. There's always some sort of clutter or crumbs. Someone's shoes are always in the middle of the kitchen floor and it seems like the bathrooms are always dirty, even if I just cleaned them.

So my question is: If you let that stuff go, but all the while you are doing something else, all you can think about is the dishes in the sink. Does it count?