Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Taking Time to Give Thanks

September 11, 2001, I was in Indianapolis on my little sabbatical. All of my family was in Michigan. So that year as I sat at the Thanksgiving table, I looked around the table at my family and thought of all the families who would have an empty place at their Thanksgiving table that year. It broke my heart all over again and at the same time I felt enormous gratitude to be sitting there with my mom and my dad and all my siblings. I then proceeded to blub like a baby and tell them how grateful I was to be sitting there with them. And thus was born a tradition of sharing something we are most grateful for at the Thanksgiving dinner table.

Now let's be honest, I am not exactly the Cinderella type with birds chirping around my head. I have a tendency to be a bit of a pessimist. (I'm just keepin' it real) I don't know if it is nature or nurture, but I am obsessed with becoming more optimistic. Have you ever read, Learned Optimism? I have. So at this time of year, I really try to stop and give thanks for all that my spoiled ass has.

#1) My family. Supporting, loving, accepting, and unfailing. I never have to spend a holiday or a birthday alone. And I have always felt loved.

#2) My husband who is my best friend, my one true love. He challenges me every day. But he also tells me I'm beautiful every day. I know it sounds cheesy, but he completes me.

#3) My home. It isn't as big or as secluded as I'd like, but it's enough for us. It's warm in the winter and cool in the summer. And it's close to #1.

#4) My job. I know, I know. All I do is complain about it. But in this crappy Michigan economy, I'm very thankful to have a job that pays well and has enabled #2 to go after his dreams.

#5) My friends. Jen, Alison, Donna, Mandy (you have to call her Miranda), Val, Katie. You've all been in my life for years and years and it is so amazing to still have you in my life. You can't put a price on good friends and I would not be where I am without your love and support.

#6) My trials and tribulations. One of my favorite movie scenes is in The Lion King. (I'm a Disney groupie, what can I say?) Rafiki and Simba are talking about Mufasa's death and Simba is whining about how he can never get over it being his fault and Rafiki smacks Simba in the head with his staff. Simba says, "Oww! What was that for?" and Rafiki says, "Doesn't matter it's in the past." and then attempts to smack him again but this time Simba ducks and Rafiki says, "But you can learn from it." I've made mistakes in my life, but I never regret them. I can't change them and regret is a waste of energy. But I learned from them and became a better person and I'm proud of where I am right now.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Enjoy your holiday!


The Nut House... said...

I'm speechless... THIS.... This was a post worth waiting for. You are an amazing person Mel. I have ALWAYS known that. Wow... I remember going to your baptism! We really do go way back. And I am very thankful for you and all of your amazing gifts. I look forward to a lifetime of friendship and "girl" chat with you.

I am thankful for you, and am so happy that your life is exactly where it should be.


Anonymous said...

What a fantastic post. Thanks for sharing. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. I've never seen The Lion King but now I know what I am doing with my afternoon tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Why am I only #2 in #5?