Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Another another Customer Service Rant

Does it bug anyone else when you are eating at a sit down restaurant and after you are finished eating but before the server has even brought your bill, they are cleaning off your table? I don't mean removing a few plates that you are finished with or empty drink glasses when they bring you a fresh drink to make more room on the table. I mean the server is standing at your table taking every last piece of everything off of it while you are sitting there trying to have a conversation with whoever it is that you are eating with? It annoys the crap out of me. "Go away server. I'm trying to have a conversation that does not concern you." You can clean the table off after I'm gone.

What ever happened to bus boys?

An while we're on that subject, what ever happened to the baggers at the grocery store? Why do I have to bag my own groceries or sit there and wait while the cashier bags everything which takes twice as long and usually results in my bread being bagged with my raw chicken and a bottle of Windex? I know I have complained before about having to ring up my own groceries which I now refuse to do unless Dave is with me so he can bag, but this is the next worst thing. So let me get this straight, I am paying twice as much for most of my groceries as I did two years ago and now I have to either ring it up and bag it all by myself or I have to suffer my bread to be soaked in salmonella juice?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

I have blogger block.

I have started at least 3 posts in the past week that never got posted.

Our week in a nutshell? My grandma was sick in the hospital, my parents went to Florida and we had to take them to the airport but then they weren't sure they were going because of my grandma, but then they ended up going. She's okay, thankfully.

Sam got in big trouble at school (I feel like I should not say what it was for since it is always possible he knows about my blog and secretly reads it - we do share a computer at home). Then my interfering MIL decided to stick her two cents in which is always the same two cents and basically amounts to that it is never the kid in questions fault and that if we inflict any sort of punishment on him/her we are terrible parents. Blah, blah, blah. Dave told her that it was none of her business and now she won't talk to him. I hate drama so I've just retreated.

I had to be in a class at work on Thursday and Friday and it was a physical effort to actually pay attention to what the instructor was talking about. I found my mind wandering all over the place.

So it's a new week. I am bound and determined that it will be a good week. I only have 2 meetings scheduled so far, Wednesday is April Fools Day (don't forget!) which always brings some sort of fun at work, and I rented The Neverending Story to watch with Becca tonight.

Bastian, call my name!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Oh the Places You'll Go

These are the places I want to go:

St. Thomas
St. Croix
St. Maarten
St. Kitts
St. Barth
Napa Valley
Cuba (someday after they aren't communist anymore and it isn't illegal)

These are the places I can afford to go:

Grand Rapids

Places I can neither afford nor do I care to visit:

Detroit (see earlier post)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Smart Shopper Tip


Mezzacorona Pinot Grigio

The BIG bottle.


You do not need a membership to buy alcohol at Costco. I have never see these big bottles of this wine for less than $15.00 anywhere else and this is the best white wine I have ever had.


It was a rough afternoon at our house.

And that's all I have to say about that.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Victoria's Secret is Stalking Me

I bought two things from their catalogue and now I get 1-2 catalogues in the mail every day and at least 3 e-mails from them every day.

Even Dave is getting sick of looking at the catalogues.

What kind of marketing plan is that?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The One Where I Tell You About my Boring Life

I am so glad to say good bye to this week. Not only did we have to give an hour to father time for daylight savings, but Dave had two days where he had to be up at 5 a.m. and we seemed to be getting in bed later than usual. By yesterday afternoon I felt like I was in a fog and just wanted to come home and become one with the couch.

We went to yoga this morning where the instructor proceeded to lead us in the most difficult vinyasa hour I have experienced in a couple years. I hated every minute of it and I loved every minute of it.

Tonight we have more tickets to the symphony because I fell prey to a telemarketer and purchased a 5 show package. This was after we had already gone to two previous shows in the fall - that is how the telemarketer got my phone number. Tonight is the third show in the package and we gave my parents the last tickets so they could go. I like the symphony but I'm getting sick of driving to Detroit. It's an hour drive for us each way and the show doesn't start until 8:30. And I'm lame and a homebody. But we always do enjoy ourselves.

So this weekend I thought I would try to find us a hotel downtown so we could make a little mini getaway out of it. I've wanting to check out the new Westin Book Cadillac. I was in there for work before it was finished and you could already tell it was going to be beautiful. But alas, they want $200 a night. Too much for De-riot. So I checked the MGM Grand which looks even better than the Book and it was $300 a night (plus tax which is about another $20). I cannot bring myself to spend that much to stay in Detroit. So we're doing the drive.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Dave had a Citibank credit card before we got married which he still uses. I handle the bill paying right now and I pay as much stuff online as I can. This is a plus because I can wait until the day before things are due and pay them on time still. That is very important for a procrastinator like me.

So tonight I went to the Citibank website to pay the bill and in bold red at the top of the web page it tells me that after March 23, my online account will no longer be available. WTF? Am I going to have to pay by paper check and snail mail? I am so screwed.

I can't even call Citibank because it is Dave's card and I'm not even on the account. So I immediately freak out, make him drop what he is doing to call them right now.

Turns out the card has been sold to Bank of America and supposedly we got something in the mail telling us. If we did, I never saw it. I hate when my accounts change hands because now I have to learn the new t's and c's, sign on for a new online account and what if that does not happen by the time the next payment is due? What will I do if I pay late? Did you know the late fee on a credit card payment is now something like $39 a pop?

On top of that, I got a letter from Captial One which is the credit card that I have from before we were married and that I use telling me that because the economy is so bad they are changing the terms of my account. You guessed it, interest rate hike. Seriously.

Come to think of it, I hate credit card companies. I always feel like they are trying to trap me.

I know this a dry and boring subject but this is what I'm doing tonight.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Need More Time

No. Time. To. Blog.

My day in 60 seconds or less.

Got up late. Damn the spring forward.
Got to work late. Got blindsided by boss telling me I suddenly am required to have 6 certifications I do not currently have. Suddenly as in never discussed before this day and needing to be achieved by the end of the year. Hmmm, I told him to demote me. Please demote me is how I put it I think.
Tried to get husband to meet for lunch - he was too busy to leave office and I had to be back early for a conference call so that was a no go. I cried a couple little tears of frustration, bucked up and finished the day. If I had any energy now I would update my resume.
Small people that live in my house are upstairs asking me to tuck them and are fighting over who gets to sleep with the dog tonight. I have to go. More tomorrow. Good night.

PS I love the fact that I can see my grass - even if it is brown still.

Monday, March 2, 2009

More Quotes from Becca

We told her she cannot have heelys (shoes with wheels) and she has been obsessed about it ever since. Today she got an American Girl catalogue in the mail and discovered they have heelys for the American Girl doll and they are $18.95. She has a $20 bill that my mom gave her for Valentine's Day and wants me to order the heelys and tells me, "If I can't have heelys, then at least my American Girl can."

When we bought our house it was a spec house so it had some furniture in it. I asked the agent about buying these green chairs that were here and he just gave them to us. So the other day Dave was looking at property values for our area and we were lamenting the fact that houses comparable to ours are now selling for $50,000 less than we paid (we have lived here 2 1/2 years). Becca hears this and says, "But we got those green chairs with it."

I assure you, the chairs are not worth 50k.