Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Why do I bother?

So tonight I made the sesame noodles from Pioneer Woman's website. They sounded so good - in fact I wanted to make them last night but Meijer was out of green onions so I waited for tonight.

Yuk. So not good. So not what I was anticipating. Just.not.good. Plus I bought the chili oil, the rice vinegar and the sesame oil just for this recipe. So that is $10 bucks down the drain and lets be honest, all those ingredients will just sit in my pantry for years and I will probably never use them again.

Anyway, the kids were kind and ate the noodles and said they were good, but I think they were just being polite.

I blame this all on the fact that there is no good Thai restaurants anywhere near my house or my office and it is making me think about and crave noodles all the time. So now I have eaten and should be full but I want to graze for something enjoyable.

Two dinners, not on my diet!


Joyous JRo said...

Hmmm, I have some anchovie paste and dark molasses to go along with your never-to-be-used-again misfit ingredients!

Maybe we could all combine our misfit ingredients and make the grossest tasting meal on the planet!

I hear ya on the thai too...we have one restaurant in Brighton and it's semi-decent, but not real good thai. Now I have the craving!!

The Nut House... said...

What I wouldn't give for some really good Pad Thai right now, thanks to you peeps. lol

Joyous JRo said...

Chicken Pad Thai & a spring roll...yuuummmmmmm

Katrina said...

This is making me hungry. Pi in Brighton (in between Walgreen's & Meijer) actually does a pretty decent pad thai. They also have some stew with cocounumt milk sauce, it's awesome. Can't remember the name but it would be perfect to have today.

Melanie said...

My favorite is peanut curry. I also love Pad Thai curry and sometimes regular Pad Thai.

There is a Thai place in W. Bloomfield that is outstanding. I used to eat there at least once a week when I worked in Novi, but now it is too far. I hold all other places to that standard and so far, none have delivered :(

The Nut House... said...

So I think we should all meet at the Thai place Mel is talking about. We could do lunch one day. What day works best for you guys?