Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Anyone Still There?

Okay, okay, so I disappeared for a couple months. Sucked into a cesspool of writer's block, apathy, self-loathing and just plain old fashioned laziness.

But alas, school started today. Poop. (Jen that's for you. I'm going to work fart in somehow too, my mom made us call them fluffies when I was growing up, I swear)

So here is my summer in a nutshell and I swear I am getting back on track with this thing. I'm still planning on moving it as soon as I can think of a good new name.

Okay, so we went to Traverse City. I got really drunk one day (on accident) and had to go back to our hotel room and pass out. There are photos (not of me drunk, sorry) but I haven't gotten them off the camera. Perhaps someday I'll share them, but really, probably not.

The kids are fine. Their mother actually took them for a total of 3 solid weeks (not consecutively) this summer. Those breaks were nice and made me question if getting pregnant is really a good idea for me. We'll talk more about that later.

So they (the kids) had a good summer even though I failed to deliver on my promise of a trip to Chicago and the American Girl store. I'm trying to get that lined up for October time frame. We'll see, it is really expensive.

My work still sucks and if possible has begun to suck even more. We have had more layoffs and a total new management overhaul which has left the office in a total tizzy (how the frick do you spell tizzie?). I'm sick of people losing their jobs and worrying about my own job. The atmosphere is crappy and life sucking and makes me question my goals and values in life on a daily basis.

New in our life is my quest to cut refined white sugar out of my diet (why did I buy the econo size of chocolate covered raisins? They are really good and a huge temptation). I'm getting fat, my pants are getting tight and I can't afford new pants. So losing weight is the only option. I'll let you know how that works out. Most people lose weight in the summer, but for some reason I seem to gain in the summer and lose in the fall and winter.

Okay, last thing for tonight. Books from my summer reading list.

#1 best book I read this summer is a must for all my old college buddies and anyone else who was raised in a Bible thumping religious right household. The Unlike Disciple - A Sinners Semester at America's Holiest University. Seriously, read it. It was an easy and quick read. If you do not fall into either of the categories I mentioned above, you may not "get" it though. And, hey, old college buddies, AU, not so bad.

I read some other books this summer, but I can't remember any of the right now. Probably because I am rushing or because I haven't had any refined white sugar today. But I'm back, but Jro, you can still post 80's music lyrics in my comments. I also like Prince, the J Giles Band and Tears for Fears.


Jen said...

I'm so glad you're back!

"Fluffies" is a good one. We called them "poots," which seems sort of dirty to me now.

Oh, my word is "spayina." Hmm.

The Nut House... said...

I didn't know you liked Tears for Fears! I LOVED that group growing up! I still do. My hubby is the king of useless music trivia. He gets phone calls, and texts from people asking him questions, and I swear I don't think I've ever seen him stumped.

I am so glad you are back too. I missed reading your thoughts. Forget about writers block. It's not like we are the judges for the Pulitzer. Just write what you think or feel. We'll get it. We always do.

Miss you!

Joyous JRo said...

OMG!! This was better than people wanting to celebrate my birthday!! (which is 2 days after Christmas and everyone is ALWAYS too partied out to celebrate, and yes, I'm bitter about it, ha!).

Welcome back and cool book info too!!

Miralee said...

I am soooo glad you are back! Gives me something else to read besides childrens' books!