Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I Still Love My Life

Today was busy. I left the house at 6:30 am to get to work to prep for a meeting that I had at 8:30. The meeting was high intensity for me and when I get nervous I tend to tick. Today my tick was that I was obsessively sucking water out of my 24 ounce sport bottle. You can guess how that meeting ended, right? Me doing a mental pee pee dance and not being able to concentrate on a thing that was being said.

I left work "early" at 3:30 to drive home and grab Dave and the kids (at 4:30) so we could hit the Goodwill sale at Elder Beerman because Dave has lost so much weight that his pants are falling off of him and he had to get some pants. Then we went directly to the open house at Sam's school (this is his first year of high school). The open house consisted of 7 minute "mini classes" at each class. I think this is meant to simulate your child's high school experience but instead reminded me of why I hated high school so very very much. Suddenly I felt like a 14 year old girl again. I'm pretty sure a couple pimples popped out on my face while we were there. Anyway, since the school is so bad at communicating and did not send any details on said "open house", I mistakenly assumed that the open house that was scheduled from 6-8 would be an "open house" and we could wander from class to class and meet Sam's teachers at our leisure and be out of there in an hour or less. But instead we had to follow his schedule. 7 minute classes with 10 minutes in between which meant we would not have actually been out of there until almost 8:00 on the dot. Well, we also had the 9 year old with us who hadn't quite finished her math homework and none of us had eaten dinner. So we skipped his last two classes and decided to try this new restaurant in town that has billed itself as Thai/Chinese. Since there isn't a decent Thai place anywhere near us that I have found, I was excited.

It's not Thai people. It's a Chinese place that threw a couple sort of like Thai dishes on it's menu. I was very disappointed but seeing as how it was already 8:00, we had to make due. I begrudgingly picked something else. Then the food came in waves, each persons dish came separately and mine was about 10-12 minutes behind the first dish. All the while I am looking at my watch cursing the lost evening.

So we came home, I hurried up and put on my pajamas and snuggled into the couch to check my e-mails and update my blog and about 5 minutes after my butt hit the pillow, I caught a whiff of something that made me want to barf. A yet unidentified animal (which one the dog or the cat? There is now way to be sure it could have been either one) had desecrated my couch cushion with either puke or poop, I could not be sure which it was and it was on the back of the cushion THAT I WAS SITTING AGAINST, between the cushion and the back of the couch.

So, it's jump up, scream, curse, cry a little, strip the cover off of the cushion and throw it in the washer, dig the green machine out of the basement and start cleaning the part of the couch that cannot go in the washing machine, cry some more and thank God that tomorrow is not the day I get the house cleaned.

What more can I say?


Joyous JRo said...

I hate when that happens, but I'm proud that you skipped the last two "classes" like a true high schooler to go grab something to eat :-)

You should have passed a note to your hubby in class asking if he wanted to make out after school, that would have been funny!

I hope you treated yourself to some Starbucks this morning :-)

The Nut House... said...

Gawd, no kidding. You totally deserved a Starbucks after that. Or a shot of alcohol! That is a nightmare of a day. I can feel the tension in my shoulders just reading it!!

BTW... guess who applied for a part-time job at Biggby coffee?