Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Bacon Cupcakes

Last night I successfully gained control of the TV clicker and got to watch a few precious minutes of the Food Network (which if I did not work I'm sure I would watch all day long but that is another story!). So I was watching Unwrapped and Dave was reading a book (Learned Optimism - great book if you are looking to improve your outlook on life). So guess what the guy from Double Dare was talking about on Unwrapped last night? Bacon. And Dave loves him some bacon. Did you know there is a Bacon of the Month club? Oh yes, there is.

And guess who now wants to join it?


The Nut House... said...


Den could use that book. His glass is almost always half empty. Not a flaw. Just something that I believe was instilled in him growing up.

Jen said...

I love bacon.

Joyous JRo said...

Suprisingly, bacon is one of the foods I don't really care for. I know, crazy right?

But my hubs on the other hand may want to be el presidente of the Bacon of the Month club!

Cute Find! :-)