Monday, September 21, 2009

Complainy McComplainerson

Have you ever heard the saying "10% of the people do 90% of the work"? I feel like that is me lately. It seems like, at my company, the reward for being a hard worker and gettin it done is more work. Yay! My husband once said to me that it is important to manage your employees and make sure you are holding everyone accountable because it is very bad for morale to pile on your performers and allow others to be slackers. This concept is really being driven home with me right now because that is what is happening to me. I almost cried in front of my boss this morning (a huge no no) and had to bite on my tongue until it bled to make myself stop. It was the closest I have ever come to crying in front of him.

In other news, my husband has contracted my cold and in an attempt to ward it off has been eating whole raw garlic cloves. Do I really need to say anymore about that?


The Nut House... said...

GROSS!!! lol. Too bad you can't "delegate" some of that work!

Joyous JRo said...

Someone told me that I should start eating more garlic to prepare for our wilderness trip. I guess it's suppose to be a natural mosquito repellent. No thanks. I'm going to smell bad enough as is!

Sorry about the work load and I totally hear you on the crying in front of your boss, big no-no. I did it once at my first job out of college and I vowed I'd never, ever do it again. Good for you for being able to hold back.

Melanie said...

Oh Lord, don't tell my husband about the garlic as a mosquito repellent! He loves any excuse to eat garlic. It's vile.