Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Uh, am I the only one who is concerned about the fact that skinny straight leg jeans are making a comeback this year? F.A. that is all I have to say about myself.


Jen said...

I have been distressed by the skinny jean phenomenon since it began. Luckily I am so far out of the fashion scene that I can wear sweats with elastic at the ankles and no one bats an eye. It's sad really.

I need someone to take me shopping. I don't even know what I'm supposed to wear or like. I hate being like this. I swore I'd never be like this and here I am. When the eff do you have a business trip down here so you can talk me through clothes selection?

The Nut House... said...

Give me a break Mel, just because some designers think every woman should be anorexic, doesn't mean you have to fit that mold. I have always thought highly of you. You take good care of yourself and are a vibrant healthy woman. You are a role model for someone like me because you think for yourself, you have a good sense of fashion, and you live a healthy lifestyle. So the skinny jeans can KMA. I have no intentions on ever fitting into them, and personally, I really don't care.

I think you are a very cool chic. Don't change a thing!

Joyous JRo said...

I'll admit it, it scares me almost as much as "the haunting" marathon that I watched the other week.

But, I would L-O-V-E to fit in skinny jeans or the outfit that Fergie wore on the pregame show last night.

What can I say, my inner skinny girl wants OUT!!

Mystic Thistle said...

Just popped in, hope you don't mind a stranger here, friend of Jen's.

I've been thinking about writing about the skinny jean thing myself. This is particularly bad for those of us who are short and have to hem even the short people pants. Hemming makes the ankle thinker and therefore even stupider if its already skinny-ankled.

Anonymous said...

Skinny jeans looked awful on me back when they were in style in the 80's and I had what sort of resembled a metabolism. I am however enjoying the billowy shirts.