Thursday, September 10, 2009

Living with a Teenager

The summer Dave and I got married, we splurged on a new computer because he didn't have one and the one I had was a pos. It was a really nice computer, we researched, okay he researched it and we shopped around ultimately finding and buying the computer of our dreams at none other than Wal-Mart. It was a nice little deal we scored. Anyway, this past June we were married three years, and we still have that computer. In fact, I am typing away on it right now. [Sidebar: so afraid am I of getting canned or something that I will not type posts on my work laptop anymore, which was part of the lack of posting this summer.]

But something has happened to it. Something being a certain teenager who I shall refer to as Napoleon. Napoleon is a typical American Teenager who values nothing but that which pleases him at the moment. And usually what pleases him at the moment has something to do with a video game of some sort or YouTube. So at whatever moment the feeling strikes Napoleon, he will just go ahead and download "it". Once in the past, this led to what I like to refer to as "The Great Porn Incident of 2008" which is where our computer crashed and Dave had to go through the process of cleaning off the hard drive during which he came across all sorts of stunning porn in our browsers history which then led to what I like to refer to as "The Great Sex Talk of 2008". I don't think I blogged about this at the time out of respect for Napoleons privacy and because I was mortified. But it's been a couple years and I was ready to come out about it. Plus he is in the kitchen eating me out of house and home right now and I'm feeling snarky about it.

So anyway, why am I talking about this? Well, after Dave got the computer cleaned off from "The Great Porn Incident" and it has been running okay but it gets slower every week. Apparently World of Warcraft is a rather large program. So today I was going through the hard drive with the intent of looking at some old pictures and I wanted to share with you some of what I found.

This photo was saved under the file name "Do the Dew"

And this one was called "DOWG" (Did I mention that Napoleon went to the Dog the Bounty Hunter book signing and met Dog?Then there was this gem

And then of course, the video games that don't go on the computer must have photos of the cover of them so they are still "in" the computer and don't feel left out. See here:

Ya'll I could go on with these for quite a string. I also found 6 pictures from LOL Cats, 12 photos of kids I don't know, 10 pictures of kids I do know, 4 Metallica Album covers, 18 pictures of the dog in various poses (some with kids I don't know), 3 self portraits, 4 pictures of the cat, and this:


The Nut House... said...

CUTE post!! I chuckled the whole way through it.

You wouldn't believe what is on my hard drive. Gazillions of photos of Selena Gomez, & Bailey Madison whom the resident 10 year old was infatuated with all summer long. Plus hundreds of "stories" written by that same computer genius.
Trying to find a document or photo that I saved is a total nightmare. So glad to see that we are both living in the same house practically.

Joyous JRo said...

Hmmm, I think this post could also be named, "living with my husband!"

Sometimes he can be as mature as a teenager :-)

Katrina said...

This is hilarious. Ahh boys. And Janet's right, they really don't ever grow up.

Miralee said...

That last one seriously had my laughing so hard I almost peed!