Monday, March 2, 2009

More Quotes from Becca

We told her she cannot have heelys (shoes with wheels) and she has been obsessed about it ever since. Today she got an American Girl catalogue in the mail and discovered they have heelys for the American Girl doll and they are $18.95. She has a $20 bill that my mom gave her for Valentine's Day and wants me to order the heelys and tells me, "If I can't have heelys, then at least my American Girl can."

When we bought our house it was a spec house so it had some furniture in it. I asked the agent about buying these green chairs that were here and he just gave them to us. So the other day Dave was looking at property values for our area and we were lamenting the fact that houses comparable to ours are now selling for $50,000 less than we paid (we have lived here 2 1/2 years). Becca hears this and says, "But we got those green chairs with it."

I assure you, the chairs are not worth 50k.


The Nut House... said...

Lol, Omg hilarious. We were in Dunhams on Friday and Emily asked for Heeleys. Mind you, she has 2 bilateral scars on her forehead, one above each eyebrow. She also has a nice long scar on the base of her thumb from her run in with an ice skate in November.

What on earth makes her think we're going to put wheels on her shoes? lol Yeah. I didn't think so.

Those must be some REALLY NICE chairs!!! Probably direct from Buckingham Palace! lol

Miralee said...

LOL! Becca is hilarious. You should start cataloging what she says for real and then publish it and then you wouldn't have to worry about going back to your life sucking job! :)

Jen said...

I must see these chairs.

I'm going to admit to you, only because I like you and want to give you a good laugh, that MY HUSBAND has Heelies.


He is 34.

Maybe if you tell Becca that, she'll get over her desire for Heelies right quick.