Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Dave had a Citibank credit card before we got married which he still uses. I handle the bill paying right now and I pay as much stuff online as I can. This is a plus because I can wait until the day before things are due and pay them on time still. That is very important for a procrastinator like me.

So tonight I went to the Citibank website to pay the bill and in bold red at the top of the web page it tells me that after March 23, my online account will no longer be available. WTF? Am I going to have to pay by paper check and snail mail? I am so screwed.

I can't even call Citibank because it is Dave's card and I'm not even on the account. So I immediately freak out, make him drop what he is doing to call them right now.

Turns out the card has been sold to Bank of America and supposedly we got something in the mail telling us. If we did, I never saw it. I hate when my accounts change hands because now I have to learn the new t's and c's, sign on for a new online account and what if that does not happen by the time the next payment is due? What will I do if I pay late? Did you know the late fee on a credit card payment is now something like $39 a pop?

On top of that, I got a letter from Captial One which is the credit card that I have from before we were married and that I use telling me that because the economy is so bad they are changing the terms of my account. You guessed it, interest rate hike. Seriously.

Come to think of it, I hate credit card companies. I always feel like they are trying to trap me.

I know this a dry and boring subject but this is what I'm doing tonight.

1 comment:

The Nut House... said...

Well! Put your seatbelt on for this comment! Den opened up a Meijer Visa card a couple years ago to save a percentage on a big item purchase. Well it has a bit of a balance on it now. On a whim, he happened to look at the percentage rate and when he did, he went on a tirade. 33% interest we are paying on that balance!!!

When he called, he spoke to some dude in India (funny how Meijer is located in Grand Rapids), and the guy told him to "write a letter". So Den did. And they will not drop the rate. This is because our payment was 1 day late. ONCE.

We are trying to transfer the balance right now. cross your fingers.