Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Another another Customer Service Rant

Does it bug anyone else when you are eating at a sit down restaurant and after you are finished eating but before the server has even brought your bill, they are cleaning off your table? I don't mean removing a few plates that you are finished with or empty drink glasses when they bring you a fresh drink to make more room on the table. I mean the server is standing at your table taking every last piece of everything off of it while you are sitting there trying to have a conversation with whoever it is that you are eating with? It annoys the crap out of me. "Go away server. I'm trying to have a conversation that does not concern you." You can clean the table off after I'm gone.

What ever happened to bus boys?

An while we're on that subject, what ever happened to the baggers at the grocery store? Why do I have to bag my own groceries or sit there and wait while the cashier bags everything which takes twice as long and usually results in my bread being bagged with my raw chicken and a bottle of Windex? I know I have complained before about having to ring up my own groceries which I now refuse to do unless Dave is with me so he can bag, but this is the next worst thing. So let me get this straight, I am paying twice as much for most of my groceries as I did two years ago and now I have to either ring it up and bag it all by myself or I have to suffer my bread to be soaked in salmonella juice?


The Nut House... said...

Ok, so I have to laugh. This is a great post!!!

I never thought of that spin on groceries before. WTF!!!

What the hell happened to taking pride in your work? What happened to customer service? I was talking to my cousin today about flying. I used to LOVE to fly! Not any more! Because I'm scared to death that the mechanic that works on my plane will be pissed off at his boss, or pissed off at his meager wages, and will leave a bolt out of the wing or something.

No one cares anymore. It is easy to see why my husband is losing faith in people.

Joyous JRo said...

On the top of grocery stores, who the heck decides the music that they play while we're shopping? I am so sick of hearing crappy Celion Deon or some one hit wonder from the 70's that's just bad music! You know there had to be some study done somewhere on this.

I think we should start our own hip grocery store, where baggers bag, there are no self check outs, and the music is off the hook!

The Nut House... said...

Lol, JRo, lol That is so funny! However I happen to like the 70's hits. Reminds me of growing up in a house where my parents are completely hammered on a wednesday night, and they are dancing in the living room. lol