Sunday, March 29, 2009

I have blogger block.

I have started at least 3 posts in the past week that never got posted.

Our week in a nutshell? My grandma was sick in the hospital, my parents went to Florida and we had to take them to the airport but then they weren't sure they were going because of my grandma, but then they ended up going. She's okay, thankfully.

Sam got in big trouble at school (I feel like I should not say what it was for since it is always possible he knows about my blog and secretly reads it - we do share a computer at home). Then my interfering MIL decided to stick her two cents in which is always the same two cents and basically amounts to that it is never the kid in questions fault and that if we inflict any sort of punishment on him/her we are terrible parents. Blah, blah, blah. Dave told her that it was none of her business and now she won't talk to him. I hate drama so I've just retreated.

I had to be in a class at work on Thursday and Friday and it was a physical effort to actually pay attention to what the instructor was talking about. I found my mind wandering all over the place.

So it's a new week. I am bound and determined that it will be a good week. I only have 2 meetings scheduled so far, Wednesday is April Fools Day (don't forget!) which always brings some sort of fun at work, and I rented The Neverending Story to watch with Becca tonight.

Bastian, call my name!


The Nut House... said...

Sounds like my family. I am totally pissed right now. So pissed that I have hives on my neck and was so agitated during dinner that I could barely eat. I'll be posting on that one.

Viv said...

You mean that mine isn't the only family that has a Grandma that desires to parent both generations into eternity?

The Nut House... said...

My mom always tells us not to yell at our kids because she never yelled at us. What a crock!

Melanie said...

My mil thinks that you should never make a kid try/eat any food that he doesn't want.

If my mom said this to me, I would tell her she is crazy. I can't really say that to my mil.