Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tying it Up

Thank you for the kind comments about my stupid job. I really appreciate someone telling me that I am not just a whiner who must be lazy because I don't want to spend every waking hour at work.

I have actually not been to work since last Thursday afternoon when the flu started. I had the last three working days scheduled as vacation because of the kids winter break. Turned out to be a much needed break for me too. That doesn't mean that I am not crying right now because I have to go back tomorrow morning and start it all over again.

I also found out that I have to go to Columbus, OH for another meeting all day on Thursday. I am leaving Thursday morning and driving back Thursday evening, so that should be a fun day. In the company's defense, I could drive down tomorrow night and stay in a hotel, but that would mean 2 things. #1 I would have to go to dinner with all those guys I've been complaining about and I've had enough of them for now. And #2 I just did this last month and I'm not doing it again. I'm a stubborn bitch like that. I might be cutting off my nose to spite me face, but I'm just not up to hotel shit by myself this week.

So, I have decided that something has to give. I'm giving this another month and then I will reassess the situation. Then we'll see. I'm not going to put myself in a mental institution because of my stupid job.

Now on another note. Jro - For a minute I thought that the mayor of San Francisco was commenting on my blog. It was a very exciting moment. Okay, not really, I'm not a big fan of his. I'm glad it was you.

On another note - has anyone every seen View From the Top? I just was remembering it because the used the word "reassess". There is a scene where the Christina Applegate character is reading from the stewardess safety manual and it says to "Assess the situation" but she says, "Asses the situation". And Mike Meyers tells her she put the em-pha-sis on the wrong sy-llable. Ha. I have to see if I can find that clip on YouTube. It was funny.

If you've never seen that movie then you probably think that it's too late for me and I should call the Mental Hospital now.

Or if you have seen that movie, you might think that anyway!


The Nut House... said...

lol, you are quick. I didn't realize who gnewsom was. You are good Mel.

I just thought Gnewsom was a follower off pioneer woman's blog, or some other place. Fbook or something. lol.

Good way to stir the pot Janet. lol Got us wondering.

Joyous JRo said...

I'm glad I could be the source of all entertainment! Maybe I will start posting under random names more often :-)

This was such a funny post, I love your honesty and wit. You are one funny chica, but what else would I expect from someone who is friends with Val :-)