Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Bet you can't guess.

Go ahead.



I'm sitting in a hotel room in Columbus, OH. By myself.

So much for being a stubborn bitch. I caved to the threat of ice and snow. I thought getting up at 4am and driving 200+ miles might be kind of sucky. And, since my real drive to work can stretch, in bad weather, from 45 minutes to 2 1/2 hours, well, you do the math.

But I didn't tell any of the boys I was coming so I didn't have to go to dinner with them and instead when I got here I took myself to the big old mall across the street which is where I feel most at home when I'm not at my real home.

Now I'm watching an E True Hollywood Story on Jenna Jameson. I guess my job could be worse.

I'm sleepy and grossed out because I forgot to bring any Clorox wipes for the TV remote.

Good Night.


Jen said...

Oh, I'm sorry!!! I wish I was a couple hours South, and I could have joined you for a drink at the hotel bar. We could act sophisticated.

Order a great room service breakfast.

The Nut House... said...

How fun would it be if you took a friend with you? lol. So what if they spent some time by themselves while you did the work thing. It could still be fun.

I'm sure the guys got the message when you showed up and they found out you were there... after it was too late to do a sucky dinner together, lol.

Joyous JRo said...

I love that you travel with Clorox wipes. I thought I was the only one who had stayed in way too many hotel rooms to relax in them!

Sorry that you had to cave, but it's better than risking driving in crappy weather. Thats when the real anger starts to rear it's ugly head for me :-)