Monday, February 2, 2009

These are the things I'm thinking about today.

My apologies, I did not sit down with the intent to write a post about any sort of politics, it just sort of evolved into that. But the more I think about this, the more I am mad about it. So I figured I'd let it rip......I'll try to be funny and witty again tomorrow.

Tom Daschle and Michael Phelps.

Let's start with Tom Daschle. Oops I forgot to pay my taxes? I want to know if that excuse would fly for me if I lied about my taxes. I mean, I would be sorry and embarrassed too, so would that make it okay? What if I just "forgot" to show up for work for a couple weeks? As long as I was sorry and promised to make it up by working double shifts, would they not fire me? Would I be deserving of a promotion?

And Michael Phelps. How stupid are you to let someone take your picture smoking a bong? But don't worry, you're still a cash cow so none of your endorsement deals will be cancelled. As long as you have lots of money, no one cares what you do. Of course, even stupider (it's a word okay?) would be to go and get fat like Jessica Simpson. Then you would lose your endorsement deals.

Okay, so as I'm writing this, I realize I am less concerned about Michael Phelps and his stupid bong and I want to talk about Tom Daschle. Well, all politicians, really. And I'm sorry for you Bill Clinton lovers, but I'm going to rip on him in a second. Am I the only one who is sick and freaking tired of our politicians being liars, cheats and sexual deviants? Let's see, Bill Clinton was getting blow jobs in the Oval Office from an INTERN, then there was Larry Craig cruising the bathroom for some gay sex, and Eliot Spizter banging high class hookers, and what's his face sending sex text messages to a 16 year old boy, and what's his face, I can't even remember his name, who was married to a woman but having anonymous gay sex at rest stops or sex clubs or something like that, and the mayor of Detroit using his city pager to send steamy sex text messages to his Chief of Staff while he was married and then using city money and resources to cover it up and there are probably 12 more I'm not thinking of. Oh! The mayor Portland who was getting it on with one of his male interns and then lied about it. Am I mistaken or is having sex with a subordinate not where the birth of sexual harassment occurred? Is no one else sick of this? I can't even have the news on in our house without feeling like I should shoo the kids out of the room because it's a sex scandal story and then a gruesome murder story and then another sex scandal story and another gruesome murder story. Over and over and over again.

Sexual deviants aside, what about the tax evaders? Tom Daschle is the second one I've heard in the news of late. Why is this okay? I'm sure he'll go on to be confirmed to be Health Secretary or whatever it is. Right, because he's sorry. Oh, and it was unintentional. Does it matter what his intentions were? HE DIDN'T"T PAY HIS TAXES. Let's give him a job overseeing one of the biggest cluster bleeps this country has ever seen, health care. Are you telling me there isn't someone else who is qualified that has paid all his taxes, the first time around?

Whatever happened to, "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time?"

These are our politicians. They are the people who make the laws, but they can't follow them? They can't be faithful to one person or follow the laws regarding not having sex with a minor? Why is this okay? Doesn't this speak to a person's moral compass? Shouldn't they be the people who are held to the highest standards and beyond reproach? Piss on this. I'm so disgusted. This is why I hate politics. This is why I hate politicians. And if President Obama is serious about having a transparent administration, then he should make an example of these a-holes and nominate someone else.

I hold my kids to a higher standard than these guys are and they don't have anyone else's interests at heart.


The Nut House... said...

wow. If you were telling this to me verbally I would be firing up the oxygen tank, lol.

I agree with you, but at this point... I just want life to be better. Whatever it takes.

Obama was on the Today show with Matt Lauer today. I love the casual side of this man. He is calm, cool and collected while he just fell into a pile of shit. I have full confidence that things are going to turn around because of him.

I think things are going to be better. Go have a latte.

Alison said...

"Piss on this." Priceless.

Melanie said...

LOL. I was on a rant - what can I say? I feel better now :)