Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I. am. so. tired.

I want to blog about work and the machine men I work with, but every time I try to write about it, I get overwhelmed and erase everything I type.

The short version is that if I don't work 75 hours a week then I am a bad employee.

The long version is a lot longer than that.

On a happy note, my auger showed up today. I'm only minutes away from having ice in my glass again that has not been touched by human hands.


The Nut House... said...

Mel, Don't compare yourself to the men you work with, unless Dave is at home doing the laundry, cooking dinner and cleaning the house.

Happy Ice Making!

Jen said...

Yes, I agree with the Nut House, entirely. I do remember how hard it is to be in the office, and how impossible it is to measure up to other people who somehow never need to go home, even when they too have kids and spouses. Ugh.

I'm eager to read about it when you are ready to write about it, though.