Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Dear Asshole

This is not about me and Dave.

There is never an excuse to cheat on your wife. And cheating isn't limited just to sex. It can also mean being in love infatuation with someone (at least thinking you are because I know your stupid-ass obviously does not know what love it). You can try to come up with all sorts of creative ways to try and make it her fault, but the bottom line is that you are the one who violated the vows you made in front of God (and suddenly deciding you don't believe in God doesn't excuse you either) and also you are the one who walked out on your wife and son. And if you think for a second that your relationship with your son is going to be the same or better (because I know in you sick stupid twisted mind that is what you are telling yourself) think again. And ask a divorced parent about it. And while we're talking about your son, what exactly are you teaching him? That when the going gets a little tough, you just give up and walk out? You are displaying a total lack of character.

You say that it has always been about her? I would beg to differ. I have been there from the start and it has always been about you. You tore her away from her family from the start. You dragged her all over the country with a brand new baby to boot. And she went because she loved you and she wanted you to be happy. But excuse me, asshole, if she wasn't Cinderella with birds chirping around her head singing while she scrubbed the floor. You drug her across the country to a shit hole city in a shit hole state when she had just given birth THREE WEEKS earlier! What kind of asshole does that and then has the nerve to sit there and cry about how he wasn't getting enough attention or whatever your telling yourself to justify what you are doing. You are lucky you didn't marry me because I would have told you to grow the f up and support your family. Why the hell did you get married and have a kid if you wanted to play the eternal student?

You can sit there and say that she did this and she did that and maybe she wasn't perfect. Sure, there are things that she needed to work on - but since when do you just give up on a marriage without even trying to fix it first? I will never give you an inch on this - you are the jerk here.

You are not a man. A man would take care of his family first and himself second. He would never sit around and cry because he has to work so his wife can stay home and raise their son. He would never burden her with that knowlege. You think you are some sort of prize? You couldn't even make enough money for all the bills (most of which were yours from bad financial choices you made in the past) You are a spoiled, self-centered, brat and personally I think she will be better off without you.

'Nuff said.

1 comment:

Miralee said...

I hope this goes to the person it was intended for! I give you much props for speaking your mind! This is one reason that I am proud to call you my friend!