Saturday, September 1, 2007

Coffee - Nectar of the Gods

I love coffee. I adore coffee. I am a card carrying Starbucks junkie and when I say card carrying I mean that I shell out 20-30 bucks at a time to Starbucks to "reload" my Starbucks card. I love being able to whip out that card when I go to Starbucks and buy whatever my heart desires. (Plus it makes me feel cool) I'm pretty sure Starbucks puts something highly addictive, other than caffeine, in their coffee that makes people keep coming back for more.

Let me share with you, my coffee journey.

In college I did not drink coffee other than an occasional flavored latte from Barne's and Noble. Starbucks was not as prevalent in the mid-west in those days. Back then, Mountain Dew was my addiction of choice (and I wonder why I was pudgy). So after I graduated and had to join the workforce, I discovered the joy of the office coffee maker. I discovered this while temping at a dreary office where my only two expected duties were to answer the phone and make the coffee. While sitting right next to the pot and having nothing better to do, I decided to drink the coffee. I loaded it up with powdered non-dairy creamer (the thought makes me want to vomit now) and a ton (and I mean a ton) of sugar. And hence my love affair with java began. As time went on and I got a permanent job and began my full assimilation into the life of as a rat, I phased out the sugar, but was still loading it up with non-dairy creamer as I was yet unaware of the dangers of trans-fats (or at least I was in denial about it). I made the occasional trip to Starbucks for a sugar filled latte or something of that sort.

Eventually I purchased my condo and my very own coffee maker. And I was buying, insert gasp here, Maxwell House French Roast. Or was it Folgers? I can't remember. But it was already ground and I thought it was delicious. Then I had a Pampered Chef party and the hostess brought some cinnamon something or other Pampered Chef coffee and I was turned on to flavored coffee. So I bought some of that - again already ground. At this point I started buying half and half to put in my coffee each morning. Bliss. Utter bliss. Forget that non-dairy artery clogging, corn syrup filled trans-fat laden crap. I was onto real dairy and I was never going back. I thought it couldn't get any better.

And then I discovered whole bean coffee. Oh happy day. Freshly ground coffee was from heaven. So I bought a coffee grinder and began to grind my own beans. Do you see where this is going? I soon grew tired of grinding coffee every morning to make two cups of coffee for myself and I took the lazy route. I started stopping at Starbuck's every morning on my way to work and saved the bean grinding for the weekends.

Then I met my beloved who drinks 17 times more coffee than I do. And he wants a fresh pot of it steaming and ready each morning as soon as his big toe enters the kitchen. There was no stopping at Starbucks for him. He needs it the minute he gets up. So it was back to the bean grinding. I was not enjoying this little task. So, for our wedding, I registered for a beautiful Cusiniart Grind & Brew coffee maker. You just put the beans in and then the water and, like the name, it grinds and brews. Another stop on my way to coffee nirvana.

We've been married for 1 year and 3 months and I am so sick and tired of cleaning the filter and grinder on that Cusisnart every night. Not to mention the 5 lb bag of Starbucks coffee I buy to go in it which costs me 20 bucks a pop and the approximately 5 cups of coffee I dump out each night because we didn't finish the pot. So I just took my next step in my coffee journey. I purchased a Keurig one cup coffee maker. Pioneer Woman readers will remember she gave one away in her "Give that Photo a Name" contest a while back. Okay so I couldn't afford to buy the Platinum one she was giving away, but I did buy the Special Edition which is just one step down. I am now in love with this machine. We brew what we want to drink. I'm never dumping out a pot of coffee and more importantly, I never have to wash another filter or grinder again. I think this might be the last coffee maker I'll ever buy.

So now that I have spent all this time writing and thinking about coffee - I think I'm going to go pop a "K-cup" into my best friend and enjoy a hot, steamy, fresh-brewed cup of heaven!


The Nut House... said...

I am RIGHT there with you sister. I LOOOOOVVVVVEEEEE coffee. I sat here all doe eyed, blinking my long eyelashes at your blog, thinking about coffee. lol.

My first Gingerbread Latte of the year invokes strong memories of my friend Kristin. She lived on the next street over until a few years ago. She got us all hooked on them. So that first cup, reminds me of her, and sitting in her living room on Monday mornings with the gals, watching Desperate Housewives which was Tivo'd the night before, for us.

I too worry about the trans fats and stuff... now that my coffee drinking is about to go into full swing (I back off during summer), I need to figure out how to order at Starbucks to cut back on some of the fat in it, however I will not put any artificial sweeteners of any type in it.

So how do you order yours???

Melanie said...

It depends on if I'm feeling naughty or not. If I'm feeling naughty, then I order a full-fat latte (iced in the summer). I've phased out the syrup - although they do have a sugar free vanilla but I'm pretty sure it has nutra sweet or splenda in it. If I'm feeling bloated, then I order the latte with skim milk. Or I just get the regular coffee and add a little half and half.

Note: Starbucks is phasing out trans-fats and soon you will be able to enjoy all their treats without fear of growing a second evil head. You will, however, still have to worry about growing a second evil butt!

Miralee said...

Which style of coffe maker did you get?? Carl & Teresa have a single cup coffee maker like that and I am curious to see if I would like it??

I checked out the website and thought it was pretty's a pain to get the coffee ready at night and if I forget it's really a pain to do at 5 in the morning when Max gets up!

Melanie said...

It's the B60 which is the middle one, the "special edition". I wanted the Platnium B70, but they didn't have it at Bed, Bath and Beyond when I went to get it and I am impatient once I get my heart set on something. Also, the B70 is about 50 bucks more. I think all in all that it may end up costing slightly more, but for me, time is money.

Anonymous said...

Hi. I'm Val's bud Katrina, she had me read this entry, it's awesome. I own the Tassimo which is similar to the Keurig but you don't get the benefit of being bel to brew your own cup if you want. Anyway, I LOVE it. Especially living out here in BFE, where my nearest Stabucks is 20 minutes away, and in a Meijer (just not the same). Glad you took the plunge you'll never regret it.

Order your latte's Fat Free (they use skim milk) I also refuse to use artifical sweeteners so if I don't feel like splurging on sweets that day, I order a plain ol boring non flavored cappuccino or latte (fat free), you'd be surprised at how you beign in appreciate how good the coffee really tastes.