Sunday, September 16, 2007

Five Finger Discount

Did I mention that my husband has "commandeered" my digital camera for his new job? And that when I need it, it is no where to be found? That is why my blog has been void of pictures for the last couple months. I don't think I can, in good conscience, post anymore photos from my honeymoon which occurred nearly a year ago. So, I did what any sensible person would do - I went and bought a new digital camera. And this time I decided to upgrade. My old camera is a Nikon Coolpix (I can't remember the model number) and it takes beautiful pictures and has served me well for the past three years. I actually traded in my old fashioned film Nikon for the digital. It was my first digital. But as my family has grown, I have discovered that a point and click digital just doesn't work for taking pictures of children and animals. They move faster than the shutter can click. So I purchased what I believe is called a "Digital SLR". I'm not the photography expert, I leave that to my friend Alison. But the shutter is supposed to be a lot faster than a point and click and that is pretty much all I care about.

It is supposed to be here Tuesday which makes me so happy. Dave and I are going on a little road trip next month to visit Mandy(you have to call her Miranda) and her husband and new little baby. I can't wait! And then after that, it is on to Gettysburg, where my history buff husband can tour battlefields to his hearts content. Anyway, I'm sure to get all kinds of fun photos to show you!!

Dave can have that old slow Coolpix - it's fine for taking pictures of fire panels and sprinkler heads. They don't move.

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