Saturday, September 8, 2007

What a week

I so so so want to write about work on my blog. But I can't for fear of being "dooced".

But I will say this. I had to let an employee go this week. And it wasn't fun. And it messed me up for the whole week. But that's all I can say.

Then, yesterday afternoon, to top off an already stellar week, I got a scaulding hot cup of hot chocolate dumped on me. All down my totally white shirt, down my jeans and onto my adorable little cherry sneakers. And it was hot. And brown. It looked like someone had barfed on me.

I came home, took a hot shower, and read a book until my ever-loving but over worked husband came home and we ordered a pizza.

My house could use some cleaning, but I'm sitting her blogging instead. Does anybody see a problem with that? I didn't think so. I knew you were all my soul sisters.


Anonymous said...

Yes, in fact, I did read somewhere that Bloggin is better for your health than a clean house.

What a horrific day! I had a similar day except without having to fire anyone -& I was the one spilling hot coffee on myself - SERIOUSLY, I spilled a cup starting from my waist completely down my legs - this was after I splattered my foundation makeup on my black shirt on the way in...

Oy vey. Have a good weekend. Monday is a new day.

Miralee said...

Just know that you have people out in the real world that love you and could care less if your house is clean! Lord knows mine could use a good once over!! It will get better! Miss you and Max sends his love, can't wait to see you next month!

Melanie said...
