Tuesday, July 3, 2007

A Slip of the Tongue

I'm Sorry. I know I have been blog slacking for the past couple of weeks. Work became insane and my only comfort the thought of the upcoming vacation. And now it's here! We stayed Saturday and Sunday night at the B&B. Thank you Donna, Alison, Mandy and Katie - it was wonderful. I still need to transfer the pictures from my camera so expect a post in the next couple days detailing everything.

I am actually running out the door in a few minutes but I wanted to share a little "kid" tidbit you might find amusing.

I took Rebecca shopping a couple weeks ago to get her some new shorts for camp. We were wandering around Kohl's and it was the typical mother-daughter shopping experience. I would pick up something and she would say it was boring. She would pick something up and I would fall on the floor and need to be revived. I don't know if you have seen some of the horrifying things they have out for little girls right now, but I am not dressing my 7 year old like Brittny Spears. Ain't happening. But those are the things she picks up. Sequins, ruffled, pink camoflauge, etc. It's all tacky and ugly. So I tell her, "Becca, you have trailer trash taste. And I don't know where you got it, but it certainly wasn't from me." Probably not the best thing to say to your 7 year old, but I slipped.

Fast forward a week. We're out trying to find a dress for me to wear to an upcoming wedding. Becca is in the dressing room with me. So I try on this dress and before I get it zipped I can tell it looks very bad on me. Becca wrinkles up her nose and says, "I don't like that." I say, "Me either, it looks bad on me." And she says, "My mommy would like that dress." Of course I think nothing of it. "Why would she like it?" Her adorable 7 year old response " Because she doesn't know what taste is. That's what you said."

Oh my God.


Miralee said...

That my dear is what you would call priceless! I laughed so hard I think that I might have pee'd a little bit! I guess those are the things that I have to look forward to!

The Nut House... said...

OMG that is hysterical!!! From the mouth of babes... Just wait till she yells out that you're "shoplifting"!