Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Last Night at Dinner

We started talking about Dave being president of the United States - I'm not sure how this started. So Sam asks, "Will you make me in charge of Mars?" I tell him that he probably came from there anyway so it would be like sending him home. Then Becca asks, "Can I be in charge of Pluto?" and I say, "Why do you want to be in charge of Pluto? Pluto is in danger of losing it's planet status. Do you want to be in charge of a planet that might be on the downswing?" She says, "I will make it good again, if I'm in charge." "How you gonna do that?" I ask She says, "I will tell everyone to come to Pluto!" I say that Pluto has no way to sustain an economy. She says if they don't have enough money she will just get it from Earth. Hmmmm.

1 comment:

Not Done Yet! said...

I think Sam and Rebecca are very lucky to have you as a step Mom. With your nurturing they should do very well. Of course, I am not a bit prejudice.