Monday, July 23, 2007

Why Not Me?

I started and finished "Harry Potter and the Deathy Hallows" on Saturday. It was the perfect weekend for it to come out because the kids were at their mom's house, Dave had a test that he had to take in Southfield and I was laid up with a nasty cold. I got through it even quicker than I expected. I'm a pretty quick reader as it is, but I sailed right through it in about 7 hours or so. I took a few breaks to fold laundry and that was about it.

I know these are technically children's books, but if you enjoy fantasy, you will enjoy these books no matter what your age is. It's fun to be excited about reading again. Not to mention the fact that TV is so horrific, unoriginal, and detestable right now that it's good to have something else to do. I'm so green with envy of J.K. Rowling/I want to be J.K. Rowling. But that's another post.

Anyway, don't worry if you haven't read it yet, I won't say anything about the plot or how it ends. I'm kind of sad that it's over, but I will say that the book is very satisfying and does not really leave you wanting. I can't help but reflect on how different my life is since I first met Harry Potter......

My mom bought me books 1-4 for Christmas about 6 years ago and devoured all four of them in about a week's time (like I said, fast reader). I was still living with my parents at the time. Then I waited, like everyone else, for book 5 to come out. Book 5 I pre-ordered and it arrived on my doorstep with a thump from the Fed-ex man early that Saturday morning. I was living in my sweet little condo at the time. I read that one in a day too, but I was up late into the night finishing it. Book 6's release is hazy. I think I was in the throes of new love with my now husband then long distance boyfriend. I didn't pre-order it. I just went to the bookstore and purchased it. It was divine. (Books 4 and 6 remain my favorites) And now Book 7, again, not pre-ordered. I just got up on Saturday and went and bought it. I may be all grown up now, but at heart I'm still the little girl who spent a lot of her time reading every book she could get her hands on. I'm still the same little girl who's friends were Larua Ingalls Wilder, Elizabeth and Jessica Wakefield, The Girls of Canby Hall, Superfudge, The Girl with Silver Eyes (and all of her telekinetic friends), Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout, and countless other characters in countless other books that I read over and over and over again. I was more comfortable with them than I was with the girl who lived down the street (I said down the street - not across the street Val). And I appreciate the fact that J.K. Rowling could create a story that captivated not only childen, but adults as well. It has re-kindled my love of reading.

If you haven't read these books, you should. The movies don't do them justice.

Now I'm off to write my own best seller. If I can just find what I did with my creativity, because I seem to have misplaced it.


The Nut House... said...

I am sitting here laughing... when I read "down the street", your next statement directed at me answered that VERY THOUGHT... WHAT!!! Then I was laughing. How funny.

I am also PISSED... How is it that you and Katrina can whip out a book in a day and I've been reading "You on a Diet" for 2 months now?!!! I NEVER have time for stuff. Especially now that Webkinz has taken over my housework. I am addicted to their fricken games!

I am going to make it a quest... a quest to read 1 hour every night. You inspire me and so did this post. Thank you for the memories (Superfudge) and for the laughs and having me second guess the geek that I was... across the street. Now, I'm going to go post on my site... I'm turning into a slacker.

Miralee said...

I have also finished the book! I would loved to have read it all in one day (as I did the last one!) but with Little Max it posed a bit more of a challange - all I have to say is thank you Lord for naps!! It was great, fantastic, but I am truly sad that it is the last one.

I kept reading it thinking that there is going to be another one but alas that is not going to happen! But I can always re-read and re-read...

Melanie said...

There are still a couple movies to look forward to!