Thursday, July 5, 2007

Is it just me?

I had to go to the doctor on Monday. My appointment was at 4:15. I signed in at 4:10. They did not call me back to the room until 5:00 and I did not see the doctor until 5:20. That in and of itself is bad enough, but while I was sitting in the room waiting for the doctor, his staff was standing in the hallway having the loudest and most obnoxious conversation I have ever heard. I sort of felt like I was in the mall and being how I was already a little irritated due to the fact that my time is so precious and the last thing I feel like doing is spending an hour and a half for an appointment that literally takes about 10 minutes. Fortunately, I was there for something rather minor and mostly cosmetic because I cannot imagine if I was there for a serious health issue. How would I feel to be sitting in a room alone waiting for the doctor while four overgrown teenagers stand around in the hall and gossip? Am I over-reacting or is the doctor's office another place that customer service has gone by the wayside?


Miralee said...

Just wait until you are 9 months pregnant and you are sitting in the doctor's office for three hours and you literally see the doctor for 10 minutes! That is what you call irriated. On the flip side I guess you can't always predict when "little ones from heaven" will appear!

The Nut House... said...

Mel, since it wasn't serious, you should have left. You should have walked out of the room and told them, that your appointment was for a certain time and now that they have run over, it is making you late for something else.

Doctors offices have become terrible with this, because it's a "if you build it, they will come" attitude. For the most part, it is the office staff that don't care what patients think. It's not always the doctor. You should speak to the doc about this.

On another note, I was at a party recently talking with a friend that has recently seen one of the doctors I work with. The Medical Assistant was such an asshole, that my friend was not thinking of returning to that office. I urged her to return to that doctor because he is wonderful and I would see him myself, but then wrote an email to the doc and the HEAD MA and told them the story. Some little biatch and her attitude got caught....

They have to remember WHERE their paychecks come from. PERIOD.