Thursday, January 22, 2009

more random thoughts on my drive into work

Why did Drew have to leave the Drew and Mike show? I can't deal with just Mike and this has forced me to start listening to XM Talk Radio on the way to work which results in me being way more informed about politics than I ever wanted to be and as a direct result of that, I have become very negative and convinced that world is going to end soon.

Julia Roberts made her name by playing the "hooker with the heart of gold", why did I like the movie Pretty Woman so much? And what the heck is Julia Roberts doing now? Hmmm, I kind of want to watch Pretty Woman now. Do I have that movie on DVD? I might only have it on VHS. I'm going to have to check when I get home tonight. I know it by heart, I could probably just recite it to myself for entertainment. "Could I get a word other than fine?" "Asshole. There's a word" Oh Lord, I could go on all day with those. I'll spare you.

What is the difference between Communism and Socialism? I thought I knew this, but now I'm not sure. I'll have to research that a little so I can be more informed about politics and feel even worse about the state of things.

I should have gotten a Venti latte instead of a Grande. I don't think this is going to be enough caffeine.

"Bullshit! It's the kill you love! I made you a very rich man doing exactly what you love!" Sorry, I've got Pretty Woman on the brain now.

I wonder if the squirrels will be in the tree again today.

Am I ever going to get the dog poop stains out of the carpet and how much would it cost me to get all the carpet ripped out of the house and replaced with wood floors?

Balls, I'm here.


Anonymous said...

LOL. This is an AWESOME post. I love the "stream of consciousness"

And I'm totally with you on Drew leaving WRIF. I cannot stand Mike without him either which Drew's departure combined with staying at home has lead me to morning television. Which leaves me anxiety ridden for most of the day.

The Nut House... said...

Lol, you two are funny. First off, I love these posts. Your random thoughts work perfectly for my attention deficit, lol.

I haven't listened to WRIF in years, however I did once fax them, and requested that they shut up. They were talking about NWA jets shuddering down the runway with bolts coming loose... and Dennis was about to take his first flight... EVER! They read my letter on the air. lol

"Fifty Bucks GRANDPA, $75 and the wife can watch!"

Miralee said...

You are just what a "stay at home mom with an 18month old and one on the way" needed! Thanks for the smiles!!!!! I wish that I could recite a line from the movie but I am not that smart!! LOL!