Monday, January 26, 2009

Words of Caution

Let's just say that you are a person who hates winter. And let's just say that when winter comes and the daylight hours are short and it's dark when you leave for work and dark when you come home and you really don't like your job very much and want to quit it to start having babies and when you do finally drag your sorry ass home after a long day at said hated job and it is dark (as mentioned above) all you want to do is put on some sweatpants and woolly socks and lay on the couch under a blanket until bedtime. Should I also mention that you had a $280 gas bill in December so you are trying not to turn the heat up as high which pushes you even harder toward the couch?

Let's just say you are that person and you find yourself, in late January, not having engaged in any sort of cardiovascular exercise since there were still leaves on the trees in your front yard. Oh, and I should also tell you that your yoga teacher, who you adored, moved her yoga studio to Ann Arbor and therefore you have been unable to engage in the one physical activity that you really do enjoy for ONE YEAR and a couple months.

So if you are this person, and I'm not mentioning any names, but if you are this person, let me give you some words of caution. If you find yourself in a PMS rage one Saturday when your family is away at the movies and you should be enjoying having the quiet house to yourself but you can't relax because you want to take a chair and throw it through the window in hopes of possibly alleviating some of the PMS rage, oh and you want to strangle your husband because he had a Carnation instant breakfast shake (that has MILK in it) in your favorite sport bottle and then left it sealed up in car for a week so that when you opened it to wash it, the smell of sour milk almost killed you. Do not, I repeat, do not spend an entire hour on the treadmill trying to run off the PMS rage.

You will not be able to walk the next day.


Miralee said...

There is NOTHING worse than a cup that has been sealed up with Milk in it. Trust me I know.

I feel your pain. Oh I mean I could feel the pain of the person that might be going through this. :)

The Nut House... said...

OMG.... I can't breathe, lol. LMAO... I thought it was just us! OMG it is effin freezing in this M#*%Y#$ FU#*#$*#% HOUSE! Do we eat or be warm? BECAUSE APPARENTLY WE NOW HAVE TO MAKE A $r**$$%$ CHOICE!


Give me the chair, I'll throw it!

Jen said...

I can't fathom spending an hour on the treadmill. That is impressive and intimidating.

Joyous JRo said...

I love it!! Thanks for all the great reading pleasure tonight. I'm trying to catch up on everyone's blogs since I have been MIA for quite sometime now.

Can I just say, I'm soooo over winter at this point?