Saturday, January 26, 2008

Does Anyone Else Hate Packing?

I packed my daughter, and I have almost totally packed my husband. But I still have to pack myself and I've been putting it off all day. I love traveling, but I detest packing. I'm a famous over-packer mainly due to the fact that I following reasons:

#1 I love to have wardrobe choices. I mean how can I be expected to decide what I want to wear a week from Tuesday?

#2 Am I going to wear shorts everyday or pants every day. Or shorts a couple days and pants a couple days. I'm crazy this way and when I checked the weather forecast for Orlando, it was all over the place. And it looks like it will be a little cool at night.

And yes, I pack for my husband. And don't worry, I gave him lots of wardrobe choices.


The Nut House... said...

There is something wrong with you. I can't believe you pack for your husband. lol. I can totally see you folding his tidy whities, lol. When I was younger, I would have my bag packed the moment I knew I was going.... even if it was 3 months prior to departure. Now... Yep. Night before kind of gal. Plus I have the if I need it, I'll buy it mentality. Totally sucks.

Have a GREAT trip!

Miralee said...

I pack Karl's clothes any time we are going somewhere. I essentially have to, otherwise who knows what he might end up wearing. Sometimes they can be very scary combinations.

Have fun. Can't wait to see some pics when you get back!

Anonymous said...

Hope you're having a good vacation. I will occassionally pack Kraig's clothes too. But I feel the same way about packing for myself. I tend to always go waaayy overboard. But lately I've done a pretty good job of keeping things light - ever since we had to do the bag re-shuffle curbside ebcause oen was too heavy.

Joyous JRo said...

OMG, have a blast in Disney. My husband & I have been there more times that I should admit! We were just there with family in November and really liked the new Pirates ride.

I'm the exact same way with packing, but it's way better to have more choices than not enough!

Have fun!