Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Sunday Dave and I took my parents and the kids to the Detroit Institute of Arts. I haven't been there in a long long time. I'm embarrassed to admit this next part but I'm saying it even if makes me sound like a sheltered ignoramus. When did "they" stop using B.C. (Before Christ) and A.D. (Anno Domini)? They now use, B.C.E. and C.E. For anyone else who is a sheltered ignoramus like me, B.C.E. stands for Before Common Era and C.E. stands for Common Era. My husband, who did not lead the sheltered life I did and attended Detroit Public Schools for many of his schooling years, already knew all about this. But I was surprised. And surprisingly outraged.

I'm was raised in a very Christian household. We went to church every Sunday and then some. As those who know me will attest, I have had some struggles with my faith and with Christianity over the years and continue to struggle with exactly what I believe. I'm not sure what I would call myself now. Christian? I'm not sure.

Without going into the specifics of my beliefs too much, I will say that I vehemently believe in separation of Church and State. But I don't think that all religious references need to be eradicated. Give me a break. It is so offensive to even hear the word Christ? I think it's taking political correctness a little too far. And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the calendar sort of created using the birth of Christ as a benchmark?

Maybe I'm just being sentimental, after all, I have rejected much of what I was taught growing up. So why should I be so upset at "Common Era" or the recent attacks on Christmas? But I am. It really bothered me and I want B.C. back. Just like I want to get Christmas cards that say "Merry Christmas" instead of Happy Holidays. Does this bug anyone else? Am I overreacting? What are your thoughts on this?

1 comment:

The Nut House... said...

I am SO with you on this! In fact I had started making my Christmas cards, then went out and bought some with the hopes of getting them out on time. In HUGE print across the front they read "Merry Christmas". I did this purposely because I am so sick and tired of trying not to "offend" people. I can understand people have their religious preferences, and I have mine. I have just as much right to talk about Christ as they do about their faith. It should be B.C because it ALWAYS HAS BEEN. What the hell people. Wow... now I'm a bit angry.