Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Party Politics

11 days until we leave for Disney World!

Now that I have that out of the way, I'll get to the real topic of this post.

Did you vote yesterday? I did. For the first time in my life, I voted in a primary. And all I can say is that I wish it was that easy to vote all the time. I was there literally 5 minutes. No line. Got my ballot, one thing to vote for on it, done. I was a little weirded out by the fact that I had to tell them if I wanted a Republican or Democrat ballot. Does this mean I'm a registered ****** now? Because I really don't want that to be the case. Do they think people are too stupid to get one ballot and only vote for one party? Are people too stupid to get one ballot and only vote for one party? What is the reason for this?

I'm not outraged about it. I still voted. I just thought it was a little curious. Am I am wondering if I am now going to start getting all sorts of political propaganda in my mailbox now. Will Lifelock block that mail too? I guess I'll find out.

The other thing about voting I wanted to mention is that I had to show my photo id this year. Did everyone have to do that or was that a Livingston County thing? I asked the election official if she had been getting grief over that and she said surprisingly "no." Hmmmmm. Interesting.


The Nut House... said...

We had to show ID too. I don't mind doing it. Hey... if people are here illegally, they can't vote. They shouldn't be able to vote. And if they are here illegally, they more than likely don't have an ID either.

Voting is so important. My sister didn't vote until the last election! I couldn't believe it. It has so much to do with your LIFE. People who don't vote, have no right to grip about government. Period.

Take me to Disney with you.

Miralee said...

Hear, Hear.

I would also like to come to Disney!! Do you think that you have a big enough suitcase for all of us??