Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I Eat Lunch by Myself

Monday I ate a package of Nutter Butters at my desk by myself.

Yesterday I had a training class (finance woo hoo) so I ate my company provided Mr Pita lunch in front of my laptop trying to catch up on my e-mail.

Today I ate a bagel that I foraged from sales meeting leftovers. Then the vending machine guy (who loves me for some reason and always gives me free treats when he comes in to fill the machine) gave me a bag of peanut M&M's. I'm feeling a little bloated after all the holiday treats so I showed remarkable restraint and gave most of the bag to one of my garbage disposal type male-employee. Who ate it with a V8. Yuk!

I am quickly coming to the following conclusions:

#1 I am not loving this new office. At least when we were in Novi, I could go to the mall and spend money if I didn't have anything to do for lunch.

#2 I miss working with my husband and our friend Rob who both left the company leaving me bereft of lunchtime company.

#3 I'm kind of a loner nerd.