Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Why, I ask, Why?

I feel blue and tired tonight. There is no explainable reason why. I didn't have a bad day, I got enough sleep last night, I don't have to go for jury duty tomorrow (I was supposed to but the case was settled, thank God).

So wtf is wrong with me? I could have gone to bed when I got home at 6:00 tonight.

I blame winter, although, the sun did come out today, so even though it was cold, it was sunny.

In other news, I wish my stepson would cut his hair. Damn the 70's hair that has come back in and damn the skinny jeans. How does he get his foot through the hole?

Okay, I'm off to take a hot bath and go to bed early. If this is one of those nights where I get a burst of energy just when bedtime rolls around and then I can't sleep, I am going to be extremely irritated.



Miralee said...

I always notice that I am a little more down when there hasn't been any sun in a while. Enjoy your bath and throw in a glass of wine and you will feel even better!

The Nut House... said...

Did you take your Vitamin D today?