Sunday, January 24, 2010

Fumbling towards....... something

First of all, I want to thank everyone who extended well wishes and sympathy regarding the loss of my grandma. It was much appreciated.

Last week was a rough week. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were consumed with funeral related activities culminating with the funeral itself. It was draining and it was harder than I expected. Then Wednesday evening I came down with either food poisioning or the stomach flu. I'm leaning toward the stomach flu. So, like I said, it was a rough week.

I still can't believe she is gone.

But, life goes on as it must. And beginning tomorrow, it's back to our regularily scheduled programming.

1 comment:

Miralee said...

Thinking of you....and sending lots of prayers and thoughts for you and all of your family. If you need to chat don't hesitate to call!