Sunday, January 17, 2010

I think it's gonna rain today

My grandma passed away this morning. And I'm sad.

This was my dad's mom and my last grandparent to go. So that makes it a little extra sad. I suppose in a way this makes my mom and dad orphans.

However, today I have been trying to focus on the fact that she lived an amazing life. She was 91 and healthy up until very recently. Her death was not long and drawn out and I don't think she suffered. She had 7 kids, all of who outlived her and oodles of grandchildren and great grandchildren. My grandpa passed away about 12 years ago, so she doesn't have to be without him anymore.

It really is the way life should go, but I can't help feeling so sad. It's the end of something.

I will miss you grandma. You were so loved.


Jen said...

I'm so sorry. I'm teary reading this, because I can imagine how I'll feel when my grandma dies.

I'm so sorry for you.

The Nut House... said...

I think I have met her. I remember going to one of your grandmas houses. She and your grandpa lived in the most warm, and beautiful home. I vividly recall a fireplace that had logs in it, but when you flipped it on, the logs lit up, but there was no flame. The amazing smells that emanated from the kitchen are still etched in my memory.

Melanie, my heart is broken today for you and your family. She lived a long, full life, but it is never easy to say goodbye. Keep your mind and your heart open. After she meets up with your grandpa, she may make her presence in your life known again.

Love you dear friend. I'm here when you need me.

Miralee said...

I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and the rest of your family. I know I am far away my dear friend but please call if you need anything at all.

Katrina said...

Grandmas are so special. I'm so sorry. Sending you lots of prayers and thoughts.

Mystic Thistle said...

I'm sorry about your grandma and I'm glad she was someone you so loved. The song was a real testament.