Monday, May 7, 2007

Shower Season

Yesterday I had another shower to go to. This one was a baby shower for my friend Mandy who I went to high school with. I wanted to put some photos of the shower up but I forgot to take my camera with me. Whoops!

I met Mandy my first day of high school, which was also my first day of public school. Hartland wasn't that big but to me it was huge - I was used to having 12 people in my entire class. Anyway, you couldn't miss Mandy - she was loud. She still is. I can say this for two reasons: #1 I have been friends with her for 17 years and #2 She is, in fact, loud and will freely admit it.

Anyway, she also was about a size 0, had glasses, braces and buck teeth you could drive a car with. And she was so nice to me. We couldn't have been more different, but it was sisters from the start. I won't go into all the ups and downs of high school and beyond, but let's just say we drifted apart a couple of times and then back together. I was one of her bridesmaids a couple years ago and she was one of mine last year. Now she's havin' a baby. This is the girl who swore she was never having any babies, while I, on the other hand, wanted to have 6. Now she's 7 months pregnant and I'm on the fence.

Also, her given name is Miranda and sometime after high school she decided she didn't want to be called Mandy anymore so she started going by Miranda. She thinks she's fancy. I still call her Mandy and refuse to call her Miranda (as does the rest of her family). Who does she think she is changing her name? My poor husband was so confused the first time they met because I always call her Mandy and she introduced herself as Miranda.

She also moved to New Jersey because her husband got laid off from BORDINES'S NURSERY. This is another rant I will post later - but DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT buy anything from them. Anyway, she was already preg when this happened and he couldn't find a job in lovely Michigan so they had to move. BOO HOO! I volunteered to drive back with her next week so her 7 months pregnant butt does not have to spend 10 hours in the car and 17 hours at rest stops on bathroom breaks by herself. I feel this road trip will differ greatly of road trips past. We will have a car load of baby paraphernalia and I have already been warned to expect frequent bathroom stops. So next week I will be doing that - (Valerie - that will mean several days without a post - be prepared). I'm excited about the girl time - I don't have that many friends anymore and I sure do miss spending time with the ones I do have.

BTW, about 1 year after Mandy and I became friends, the braces came off, the glasses became contacts, she got some curves, grew her beautiful blonde hair out and became hot, hot, hot. Guys used to stop us and ask her to marry them. And I still loved her!


The Nut House... said...

I am so excited for her! When I met her at your shower, she was so much fun and incredibly nice. How sad that she is moving so far away... however... Katrina moved to Chicago. What could have been FOREVER. 1 year later. She's back!

What a great blog entry! And yes, I will be BORED to all get out while you are carting Lil Miss and her "stuff" to her new destination. Be sure to take photos!

Melanie said...


Melanie said...


Melanie said...