Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Oprah for President

Yesterday my usually very serious husband called me at work to ask me a very important question.

"Does Oprah have 6 toes?"

He came across that little gem somewhere on the internet. I asked, "Does she have 6 toes total or 6 toes on each foot?" The answer? "6 toes on each foot."

Does anyone know if this is true? I was unable to confirm either way.

Yes there isn't much going on right now!


Miralee said...

Ok does that really say 4:54 am??? What the hell were you doing then???

Melanie said...

No - it was more like 7:30 am. The time is messed up and I have no idea how to set it!

The Nut House... said...

If she had 6 toes on each foot, how could she wear those awesome looking shoes?

Melanie said...

I never watch her anymore - does she wear sandals?