Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Random Meanderings

We had a semi-busy Memorial Day weekend. We started out having nothing to do. Then I got the bright idea to invite Dave's brother over on Saturday for a BBQ. He is going through a divorce and his soon to be ex-wife just moved out and took his son with her, so he is all by himself in their house and I feel really bad for him. So then Dave invited his mom and his business partner and his wife and baby. Now it was a party. My worst fear ever is having people over and running out of food, so Friday night I had to go buy enough food to feed twice that many people. And I made brownies and a fruit salad and biscuits from scratch.

And my brother-in-law called at the last minute and bagged. I was not happy with him. He also happens to work for me - so lets just say I have to work very very hard to keep business and personal separate.

On a funny note, Dave's business partner's 18 month old daughter is obsessed with Dave. She followed him all around the house on Saturday and when he wasn't paying attention to her she would start saying his name and waving at him across the room. It was so cute. That husband of mine is a heartbreaker! This is a photo of them sitting together on the couch.

Sunday we went to my mom's for another BBQ to celebrate my dad's birthday. Monday we cleaned the house, Dave mowed the grass and we went to see Pirates of the Carribbean. It was very very dissapointing.