Sunday, May 20, 2007

Random Thoughts

I'm back. I left Thursday morning to drive Mandy home. We did well. She wasn't sure she was going to be able to make the entire drive in once day, but once we got on the road she decided she wanted to try and do it all Thursday. I think the fact that she had been away from home and husband for two weeks was what kept her going. I did most of the driving which was fine. Mandy has a mini van and although I hate to admit it - it was a very comfortable ride.

We stopped for bathroom breaks about every 2 to 1/2 hours and we made it in about 12 hours. Not too shabby. It was really nice to spend time with her and really, the drive went by pretty fast. I got to see where she lives so now I can picture it in my head when I talk to her. I always like to be able to do that.

I promised her I will be back when Max is born.

On other topics, Thursday is Sam's birthday. He has been asking for a Nintnedo Wii since before Christmas. We didn't get him one then because of the Disney World trip. So we asked Heather (his mom) if she would go in on one with us and she said yes. (I was surprised) But, the problem is that you can't find them anywhere right now.

Well, this morning Dave and I woke up early and went to breakfast and since we were already out, I insisted on going to Meijer for groceries so I wouldn't have to go back out later. (I'm kind of whipped from the trip) So while I was grocery shopping, Dave wandered over to the electronics section and guess what they had? You guessed it, a Nintendo Wii. So we bought it.

He's playing it right now. We may not see him for a couple of weeks.


Miralee said...

I am so glad that we were able to spend some time together!! No one else could have made that trip as much fun! I owe you a big road trip some day so don't hesitate to call me up when needed!

Melanie said...

Hey - I've never had a 12 hour road trip go by so fast. We sure can talk! I enjoyed it too and I can't wait to come back and meet Max!!