Wednesday, May 9, 2007

More Corporate Rantings

I got a promotion a couple months ago. I used to sit in a cube amongst the general population and when I got promoted I moved in to a sweet almost corner office. It's a very nice size, has a pretty view and most importantly, it has a door. I've never considered myself pretentious or anything and wasn't really chomping at the bit to get an office, but now that I'm in one, I really like it. Take a look at my view. I saw the first robin of spring through this window.

Okay, so the grass is a little dead along the sidewalk, but I don't even notice that. Up until the hard rain this morning, those two trees had pretty white flowers on them and I often see squirrels running around being merry.

But, alas, our office is moving in August and I will be going back to the cube. I read an article about the inventor of the office cube. Apparantly, his original "cubicle" design was not at all what the modern cube has become. Now he is sorry he ever invented the damn thing. See attached link:

Isn't it great to be a rat?!


The Nut House... said...

You've inspired me to take photos of my "place of employment" next time I'm at work. I work on Saturday and will try to get them.

Melanie said...
