Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Wii Fit or as I like to call it, Lying Bitch

First of all, why does the Wii fit voice sound like a Teletubby?

Second of all the Wii fit told me that my true age is 45 and that my ideal weight is 20lbs less than I currently weigh. Ya’ll, I am not a skinny minnie, but 20lbs seems like a lot for me. Don’t get me wrong, I would love to shed 20lbs, but I don’t know if that is really all that realistic. I mean, I am almost 5’8” so I’m not light, but this hurt my ego a little. So to the Wii fit teletubby, I say,

Bite me, you lying bitch.

Thirdly, how the frick does it calculate your BMI and is that really accurate? Does it not need to take into account things like muscle mass and your frame size?

I am not happy with the Wii fit right now and the yoga option seemed lame. Do I really have to pick one pose at a time? Am I missing something with this contraption? Dave is a little annoyed with me because he bought it for me for Christmas and I just finally broke it out of the box this weekend and now even if I hate it and will never use it, it is too late to take it back.



The Nut House... said...

Yeah, I am not sure how it calculates however... you need to look further into your Wii Fit. I think it is after you pass the calendar, your Wii Mii will be seen. On the lower L there is door. Click that. I think that is the thing that takes you to YOUR workouts. YOU can pick all the yoga poses you want to do and it calculates the workout time for you. I did 20 minutes of yoga (after working out), and it goes from pose to pose w/o you having to do them individually.

Spend a bit more time with it... and switch to the guy. I like him better.

I made it to level 4 of the Obstacle Course. Can you beat that?!

Miralee said...

Keep in mind that is for the Wii Fit Plus....if you have the regular Wii Fit Game you won't have that option. BUT I think that once you do the yoga a few times it will suggest combined poses.....