Friday, October 16, 2009

all the news that's fit to print

Today I did something I should have done last Friday and took the day off. It has been increasingly hard for me to get out of bed and make myself go through the morning ritual. I am becoming much too familiar with my snooze button than is appropriate and yesterday I some things slide that I really shouldn't. I could tell if I did not do this that I would be coming down with a terrible cold or flu very soon.

Usually, I try not to take days off when the kids have school because I still have to get up to prod them along, but today I did not care. I slept in until 7 which was good enough for me and I dozed off while watching Paula Deen so I missed her making chocolate bread pudding and woke up just in time to see her taking it out of the oven. Oh well, I don't usually make her recipes because she uses too much butter.

In other news, I am still not a fan of my job and now that the horrifying reality of what happened last week is starting to sink in and the shock is starting to wear off, I have realized that #1 I have gotten very little done in the last 6 days, and #2 WTF am I going to do without the people I had to let go? I have fielded several employee phone calls asking my why/how did I choose and various variations of that question. Everyone is worried about their own jobs and their workload, myself included.

I'm supposed to be going to visit Mandy (you have to call her Miranda) next weekend and in a cruel twist of fate flights to that side of the country have skyrocketed and now I don't know if I am going to be able to go. That makes me mad.

I am very unsure of my new boss. He does not work out of my office and is in fact 4 hours away. I can't get a read on him. I feel inadequate as the lone woman in a group of all men (I'm not kidding - I am the only woman) and on the other hand that makes me feel quite proud of myself. The youngest person on the team, the only woman, and with a liberal arts education and English/Writing in a group of engineers. What am I doing? I am a chameleon, that's what I am.

I have been watching Food Network a lot lately as it suddenly occurred to me that we have a DVR that is only ever used to record endless episodes of South Park and various History Channel specials. I am a food nerd and I love Iron Chef America. Since it is on at 10, I never watch it. So I've been recording it and watching it at my leisure. It makes me a little sad. I wanted to be chef. I wanted to go to culinary school and I think I would have made a fine chef and that quite possibly that may have been a profession I could get excited about. I'm not a big one for regrets, but this is a regret that frequently crosses my mind (more now than ever before). People say, "do it now" but I don't know if I would have the heart now. Perhaps I would. Who knows?


Miralee said...

I am mad too that you can't come but not at you! I love you enough to not let you pay that much for a plane ticket - unless of course you would like to come for a week! LOL!
As far as the cooking goes you should do what you love, and if you love to cook than do it...of course that is easy for me to say because I love make up but you don't see me working in a salon do you.... never mind. :)

The Nut House... said...

Something just occurred to me... Do you do ANYTHING for YOU? Cause it sure as heck doesn't seem like it. You have a job that you totally loathe, and do so much for other people. I think you should start teaching yourself... how to cook. Do it on the weekends, or on week nights when there isn't anything else going on.

Just because you have a job, doesn't mean your life is over. The job might be sucking the life out of you... but YOU can put life back into your life. Do something fun.

If you like French Onion Soup, I have the recipe for you! AND it's on the food network website!

Copy and Paste me baby!
(I made this the other day. It is as good as those 198 reviews say it is! Oh and use your food processor to slice the onions in NO TIME!)


Mystic Thistle said...

I think you still have the heart!!!

Joyous JRo said...

Go for it! Even if it's just some local cooking classes. Not sure if there is a williams-sonoma by you, but they have cooking classes that you can take. Look at your local colleges too. Or, just make a simple goal of trying a new recipe once a week and sharing it with us bloggers!

“Never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience.”

KP said...

You've got a history channel nut too? That's all that would be on our DVR if my husband ran the house. Thankfully I can also control the DVR and get my own shows on there. I have to admit tho (and don't tell my husband!) once in a while there are interesting shows on there.