Friday, October 23, 2009

The Block

Ugh, I am so boring lately. I have nothing interesting to say, but maybe if I post something it will break the block.

So I'm just checking in with a few random thoughts.

#1 Teenage boys are gross.

#2 Becca got sick, but I don't think it was the swine flu.

#3 What is this weather? What a crap fest.

#4 We are trying a new Asian restaurant. I hope it is good.

#5 I am so glad we got a dog. I love my dog.

#6 My dryer if finally fixed and I can catch up on the laundry.

#7 Becca is watching The Little Mermaid right now and I am remembering how much I love that movie.

#8 I actually cooked this week and it was bang up good. I adapted a Rachael Ray recipe for bolognese and everyone loved it. That made me feel good. I'm a domestic goddess. Sort of.


The Nut House... said...

My responses...

Little boys are cute and snuggly!

Emily was sick too this week. Respiratory, but is better now. Probiotics rock. She & Greg take Primadophilus from Vitamin Shoppe.

We didn't mow our lawn when it was nice out. What were we thinking?

I am craving Pad Thai. If you get it and like it, I want a full report.

I love your dog too and want one now.

My washer and dryer work just fine. It's the transportation getting them from the hamper to the washer that seems to be broken.

I do not believe I have ever seen The Little Mermaid, however a guy that graduated the year before me, was the animator for Sebastian the crab. He has done a lot of other movies for Disney & Pixar since then.

What exactly is bolognese? I made a turkey version once and it was so gross we didn't eat it.

You rock. I like ALL of your posts!

Miralee said...

You are a Part time Domestic Goddess!!! I love all your posts, especially the ones where you just post random thoughts. :)