Monday, September 1, 2008

School Days, School Days

It's here. Tomorrow is the first day of school. Today is the end of the lazy days of summer.

I have mixed feelings about it this year. It's always nice to get back on a schedule, but I kind of dread the homework. You know, the assignments where my 8 year old is supposed to invent an entirely unique and new toy? Or my 13 year old has to make a full size dummy of a famous person and then interview him/her? Yeah, try doing that kind of project with a kid and tell me where the line is between helping him and doing it for him.

I also am pretty sad to see summer go this year. After the winter we had last year, I feel like we deserve two summers. And this summer did not last long enough. Oh well, time marches on I suppose.

So I will mourn the passing of summer for a few days and then I'll start getting excited about going to the cider mill, and picking apples, and hunting for a pumpkin, and getting our Halloween costumes ready, and the colors.

It's what comes after fall that I don't want to think about!


Miralee said...

Lazy Days of summer?? From the sounds of your last few posts things have been anything but lazy...LOL!
Good luck on the homework....just remember that there are those waiting in the wings to do the same thing (!).

The Nut House... said...

I on the other hand am SO glad summer is over. Now if it would just cool off!