Friday, April 4, 2008

It Finally Happened to Me

I never thought it would, but it did.

I wore two different shoes to work today.

The worst part is that one heel is higher than the other. I'm all discombobulated.


Miralee said...

How on earth did that happen???

Melanie said...

I had to take my parents to the airport this morning (they are going to HAWAII!)so I was rushing around to get out the door on time and I grabbed two similar but not identical black boots. Both with a pointy toe and a heel. I didn't even notice until 2 hours later when I got to work. Oops. I was hobbling around all day like an old lady with a bum hip.

The Nut House... said...

OMG that is hysterical! Did anyone notice besides you? I did that once when I went to work out! I was in such a hurry that I grabbed 2 different gym shoes! I felt like the biggest dork on the planet! Worse yet was that Dennis was going too, so I couldn't turn around and go back home!