Sunday, April 13, 2008

Did anyone else read Pioneer Woman's post about her obsession with collecting dishes?

I found that post so interesting because I myself have an obsession with all things dishes. But up until I read her post and the subsequent reader comments, I just thought I had an abnormal shopping addiction. (Okay so I probably do have a shopping addiction - but this is something entirely different) I really need to spend more time with girls so that I know these things are NOT abnormal.

Since I moved into my first place, I have been near obsessed with dishes. Particularily stoneware like Fiesta Dinnerware by Homer Laughlin. In fact, I obtained an entire set of Fiesta dishes when I moved into my condo and then registered for a new set when I got married a couple years later. Everytime I go into a store that sells it, I find myself standing there drooling over all the things I don't have, and there are a lot of things I don't have. Yet.

I also buy bowls, all different kinds of bowls. I love looking at them in stores like Marshall's and TJ Maxx because they have all sorts of different styles to choose from.

Alas, I haven't been buying much lately because I am just out of room in my kitchen. So much so that the gorgeous red nesting bowls I bought some time ago are just sitting on my counter because I don't know where to put them.

I didn't really know much about the jadite that PW blogged about, but it appears that this is a very pricey item to collect so I'm not even going to look into it. However, I did Google "vintage dishes" and found that there is a whole online world of dish collectors. And I'm pretty sure some of that vintage Pyrex I saw can be found in my mom's kitchen. I hope she still has it; I never even thought to tell her not to throw it away.


The Nut House... said...

I LOVE kitchen stuff. Dishes included. I do have a collection of Pink Depression glass. I have dishes, bowls, platters, cake plates, all sorts of things. BEAUTIFUL things. On occasion I DO use them because they were useful then... and are still useful now. My favorite is any pink glass from Jeanette, Pennsylvania. I have relatives that lived almost their entire lives, near the factory and vaguely remember it from visits, so that holds a special place in my heart.

I have stopped though because I am like you... out of space. Sad but true. Many items are in boxes in the basement :o(

So no. You aren't "abnormal".

Melanie said...

I'd love to see your collection.

I'm also glad I'm not a freak. My husband just doesn't get the obsession. Which I why I feel the need to say again - I need to spend more time with girls!

Joyous JRo said...

I read her post and felt like I had found my twin. I have about 5 different sets of dishes form very formal to family heirloom to golf to christmas. The worst part about it is the dishes barely get used since it's just the two of us, who rarely host a formal event since our house is the smallest of my family's.

I think we should start our own secret dish lovers society!